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Module 37, 38, 39

Emotion a full body/mind/behavioral response to a situation (arousal, behavior, and cognition)
expressive behavior yelling, accelerating
bodily arousal sweat, pounding heart
conscious experience thoughts, especially the labeling of the emotion (eg. What a bad driver! I am angry, even scared)
James- Lange Theory body before thoughts; body arousal happens first, and then the cognitive awareness and labeling of the feeling (eg. we observe that our heart is racing after a threat and then feel afraid)
Cannon-Bard Theory body w/ thoughts; conscious/cognitive experience of an emotion at the same time as our body is responding (run parallel) (eg. our heart races as we experience fear)
Singer-Schachter/ Two factor Theory body plus thoughts/label; emotions do not exist until we add a label to whatever body sensations we are feeling (eg. arousal can be labeled as fear or excitement, depending on the context)
spillover effect when arousal was caused by injections of what turned out to be epinephrine
Zajonc, LeDoux body/brain w/o conscious thoughts; some emotions do not involve labeling and happen through "low road"; instant, w/o cognitive appraisal (eg. we automatically react to a sound in the forest w/o appraising it.
Lazarus can involve the appraisal situation that they are in (is that a threat or not?), sometimes w/o our awareness (eg. the sound is just the wind)
sympathetic nervous system fight or flight system (arousal triggers activity)
parasympathetic nervous system calms the body
positive "approach" emotions joy, love, goal-seeking correlate w/ left frontal lobe activity.
negative "withdrawal" emotions disgust, fear, anger, depression correlate w/ right hemisphere activity
Extroverts like to go out and socialize; have emotions that are easier to read
Introverts are more to themselves and are better at detecting emotions
Facial feedback effect facial position and muscle changes can alter which emotion we feel.
Carroll Izzard ten basic emotions: joy, anger, interest, disgust, surprise, sadness, fear, contempt, shame and guilt.
2 dimensions of Emotion (James Russell) 1) from pleasant to unpleasant and 2) from low to high arousal
flash of anger gives us energy and initiative to fight or otherwise take action when necessary.
Persistent anger can cause more harm than whatever we're angry about
Catharsis myth idea that we can reduce anger by "releasing" it, and do this by acting aggressively (yelling, punching a pillow)
Happiness a mood, attitude, social phenomenon, cognitive filter, way to stay hopeful, motivated and connected to others.
feel-good, do-good phenomenon when in a good mood, we do more for others. The reverse is true: doing good, feels good.
adaptation-level phenomenon when our wealth or other life conditions improve, we are happier compared to our past condition, but then we adapt, form a "new normal" level, and people must get another boost to feel the same satisfaction.
relative deprivation feeling worse off by comparing yourself to people who are doing better than you.
Created by: mariaramos2012
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