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Oil in Southwest SS
Question | Answer |
How does oil form? Explain the process in at least three steps. | The process begins with tiny plants and animals that died in the oceans millions of years ago., most turned into rock. The weight of the water, heat from the Earth’s core, and chemical changes turned some of the remains into oil and natural gas |
Why is so much oil buried under Southwest/Central Asia? | Millions of years ago this area was under water. Oil was formed and trapped when tectonic plates collided. |
Are oil reserves distributed equally among the countries of Southwest/Central Asia? Explain. | Oil is not equally distributed because Saudi Arabia has about 1/4th of the world’s known oil reserves. Kuwait also has large amounts of oil, but is a much smaller country than Saudi Arabia. Some countries have very little oil. |
How has oil made the people of Southwest/Central Asia better off? | How has oil made the people of Southwest/Central Asia better off? |
Why isn’t per capita GDP always an accurate reflection of people’s wealth? | Per capita GDP assumes that the wealth is divided equally, but that isn’t really true. |
What are some examples of why some oil countries haven’t been able to end poverty? | Oil money has not been able to end poverty in Yemen and Iraq. In Yemen, they get low oil revenues and have a large population. In Iraq, their former leader Saddam Hussein used the oil money to buy weapons and pay for wars instead of improving the people |
What have been the goals of Southwest/Central Asian OPEC members? | One goal is to have a steady supply of oil flowing out and money flowing in. Another goal is to keep oil prices steady, not too high or too low. |
What two realities have limited OPEC’s power? | OPEC can’t control all of the world’s oil sales and it exports less than half of the world’s crude oil. Also, OPEC countries don’t always act as a group. |
What were the two types of coalition members in the Persian Gulf War? Why were they coalition members? | The two types of coalition members are oil-importing and oil-exporting countries. The oil-importing countries did not want their supply threatened. Oil-exporting countries did not want to lose control of their oil reserves. |