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Biology 1310 Test 2

Name the organelle where the synthesis of mRNA takes place. Nucleus
Name the organelle where the codon and anticodon couplings take place. ribosome
____ is coiled in a double helix DNA
___ contains thymine DNA
___ and ___ contain thymine DNA RNA
___ contains uracil RNA
___ brings amino acids to the ribosome mRNA
______ is present in the ribosome Ribosomal RNA
____ is involved in transcription DNA polymerase
___ is involved in translation RNA
The genetic code depends on bases in groups of ____ three
If mRNA is transcribed from a chain of DNA with the base sequence 3'CATTAG5' the mRNA will have the sequence GUAAUC
DNA but not RNA contains ____ thymine
Transfer RNA functions in ____ Carrying amino acids to the correct site on the mRNA
How many amino acids would the polypeptide encoded by this gene segment have? four
The second codon on the mRNA derived from the segment will be UGG
The anticodon of the tRNA for the third codon on the mRNA will be BGGF
According to the current ideas about the DNA genetic code which one of the following statements is false? Every possible triplet codes for the same amino acid
Which one of the following statements is false? The nucleolus is a specialized region of a chromosome where tRNA is synthesized
Though a gene codes ultimately for all aspects of a protein's structure it codes directly for ___ A primary structure
As proteins are being synthesized, tRNA molecules are constantly being released from the site of amino acid incorporation. What happens to these tRNA molecules? They pick up another amino acid of the same type that they had before
A certain gene codes for a polypeptide that is 126 amino acids long. The portion of the gene that codes for this polypeptide is probably how many nucleotides long? 378 = 3*126
An intron is ____ an RNA sequence that is edited from a transcript before translation
A nonsense mutation is one in which the substitution of one nucleotide for another results in a triplet ____ that does not code for any amino acid
Active beef insulin is a small protein composed of 51 amino acids. How many nucleotide units does it take to code for this protein? 153
The nucleolus is a specialized region of a chromosome where tRNA is synthesized. false
In base substitution mutations only a single nucleotide of a gene is altered True
Molecules of mRNA are synthesized on the ribosomes from nucleotides brought by tRNA false
Some amino acids are specified by several synonymous codons true
How many possible codes are there for the universal genetic code? 64
In the genetic code how many stop codes are there? 3
tRNA is coiled in a double helix false
mRNA and DNA contain thymine false
mRNA and DNA contain cytosine true
mRNA and DNA contain uracil false
mRNA brings amino acids to the ribosome false
RNA and many enzymes are present in the ribosome true
RNA and polymerase is involved in transcription true
tRNA mRNA and ribosomes are involved in translation true
A missense mutation is one in which the substitution of one nucleotide for another results in a triplet _____ that codes for a different amino acid
The enzyme that put an amino acid on tRNA is called aminoacyl synthetase true
The long chain of amino acids in a protein is called the Primary sturcture
The many folded chain of amino acids in a protein is called or referred to as the ___ tertiary structure
Heat shock proteins are produced to aid in stabilizing the primary structure of a protein True
Chaperones help form the tertiary structure of proteins False
Amino acids can fold ___ ways so a 100 amino acid protein can fold in ___ different ways 3, 100
According to the second law of thermodynamics the folding of proteins follows an energy landscape that seeks the most unstable shape. False
Hydrophobic amino acids nestle themselves in the __ of the __ water Center, away from
Polar amino acids stick __ of the molecule __ the water outside, into
The push and pull of amino acids against each other determines its original protein true
The protein that blocks the transcription of a gene would be made by the ___ regulatory gene
Lactose will block which of the following? Regulatory gene
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