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Psychology - CH 1

Psychology, Research, and You

Psychoanalytic theory Treatment for maladaptive behavior developed by Sigmund Freud; its goal is to bring unconscious causes of behavior to the conscious level
Physiological perspective View that behaviors and mental processes can be understood and explained by studying the underlying physiology
Evolutionary perspective Interest in the role a physiological structure or behavior plays in helping an organism adapt to its environment
Cognitive perspective View that focuses on the study of how thought occurs, how our memories work, and how information is organized and stored
Environmental, population, and conservation perspective View that psychologists should be concerned with the interactions among human behavior, the population, and the environment
Eclectic approach View of psychology that combines several different approaches
Clinical psychology Specialty of psychology that involves the diagnosis and treatment of psychological disorders
Psychiatrist Medical doctor with specialized training in the medical treatment of mental and emotional disorders
Counseling psychology Specialty of psychology that deals with less serious problems than those treated by clinical psychologists
Research psychologist Psychologist whose primary activity is to conduct and report the results of experiments
Ethnocentrism The view that other cultures are an extension of one's own
Cross-cultural psychology Branch of psychology whose goal is to determine if research results can be applied to other cultures
School psychologist Psychologist whose specialty encompasses diagnosing and treating learning disabilities and providing consultation on other problems of school-age children
Industrial and organizational (I/O) psychologist Psychologist who applies psychology to problems of businesses and other organizations
Consumer psychology Specialty of psychology that studies consumers and the choices they make
Health psychology Subfield of psychology that is concerned with how psychological and social variables affect health and illness
Forensic psychologist Psychologist who applies psychology to law and legal proceedings
Sport psychologist Psychologist who provides services to athletes and coaches based on psychological principles
Neuropsychologist Psychologist trained in the diagnosis and rehabilitation of brain disorders
Psychology Science of behavior and mental processes
Bias Beliefs that interfere with objectivity
Law of parsimony Principle that simple explanations of phenomena are preferred to complex explanations
Placebo effect In drug research, positive effects associated with a person's beliefs and attitudes about the drug, even when it contains no active ingredients
Scientific method System of investigation in which a person makes careful observations of a phenomenon, makes hypotheses about future behaviors, and then tests these hypotheses through more research and observation
Theory Explanation for a phenomenon based on careful and precise observations
Hypothesis Prediction about future behaviors that is derived from observation and theories
Case study In-depth study of a single person that can often provide suggestions for further research
Naturalistic observation Study of behavior in its typical setting, with no attempt to alter it
Scatterplot Graph that depicts the relation between two variables
Correlational coefficient Number ranging between -1.00 and +1.00 that represents the degree and direction of relation between two variables
Survey method Research method that involves collecting information from a selected group of people who are representative of a larger group
Representative sample Sample selected so that it reflects the characteristics of a population of interest to the researcher
Qualitative research A holistic research method that seeks to provide a complete narrative description of an entire phenomenon or culture
Experimental method Research method that involves manipulating independent variables to determine how they affect dependent variables
Independent variable Variable manipulated by a researcher to determine its effects on a dependent variable
Dependent variable Variable that shows the outcome of an experiment by revealing the effects of an independent variable
Operational definition A careful and precise definition that allows other researchers to repeat an experiment
Experimental group The group in an experiment that receives the effect of the independent variable being manipulated
Control group A comparison group in an experiment that does not receive the effect of the independent variable being manipulated
Extraneous variables Variables, other than the independent variable, that can influence the outcome of an experiment
Random assignment Assignment of experimental participants to two or more groups on the basis of chance
Statistics Branch of mathematics that involves the collection, analysis, and interpretation of data
Descriptive statistics Procedures used to summarize any set of data
Inferential statistics Procedures used to analyze data after an experiment is completed; used to determine if the independent variable has a significant effect
Measures of central tendency Descriptive measures of a set of data that tell us about a typical score
Measures of variability Descriptive measures that tell us about the amount of variability or spread in a set of data
Informed consent Written document in which a person who might be involved in a research study agrees to participate after receiving information about the researcher's specific procedure
Debriefing Procedure during which a complete explanation of research that has involved deception is provided to a participant
Structuralism Earliest approach in modern psychology, founded by Wilhelm Wundt; its goal was to analyze the basic elements of conscious experience
Introspection Structural psychologists' major method, in which participants reported the contents of their conscious experience
Cognitive psychology Study of higher mental processes, such as thinking, knowing, and deciding
Functionalism Approach to psychology that focused on the purposes of consciousness
Gestalt psychology Approach to psychology most noted for emphasizing that our perception of a whole is different from our perception of individual stimuli
Behavioral perspective Perspective that focuses on observable behavior and emphasizes the learned nature of behavior
Psychodynamic perspective View taken by Sigmund Freud and his followers suggesting that normal and abnormal behaviors are determined primarily by unconscious forces
Humanistic perspective Approach to psychology associated with Abraham Maslow and Carl Rogers; emphasizes free will and individuals' control of their own behavior
Created by: young_kurt
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