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alliteration the repitition of initial consonant sounds in words in a sentence.
antagonist principal character in opposition to the protagonist.
antonym a word that is the opposite of another word.
author's purpose why did the author write the selection?
autobiography the story of a person's life written by the person.
biography the story of a person's life written by another person.
cause & effect cause statements stem for actions and events, and effects are what happens as a result.
characterization the method an author uses to communicate information about the characters to the reader.
climax the moment when the action of the story comes to its highest point.
compare & contrast compare means to show similarities and contrast means to show differences.
conclusion the end of the reading selection.
conflict struggle between opposing forces in literature.
connections text to self; world; or text.
context clues information within the reading selection that helps the reader figure out the meanings of challenging words.
dialoge the acutal words that the characters speaks.
evaluate to examine and judge.
exposition the background information that the author provides about the setting.
expository text text written to explain and convey information about a specific topic.
fable a narrative inted to convey a moral or lesson to the reader.
fact v.s. opinion is it something that can be proven to be true, or is it just someone else's point of view.
falling action the part of a story following the climax where there is a sharp decline in dramatic tansion.
fiction any story that is the product of imagination.
figurative language language that cannot be taken literatly since it was written to create a special effect.
flashback technique in which the author interrupts the plot of the story to recreate an incident of an earlier time.
folktales stories passed through generations.
foreshadowing a writing technique that gives readers clues about events that will happen later in the story.
generalization when you make assumptions about different events and/or charaters and apply them to new situations.
genre categories of literature.
graphic organizer a diagram that is used to represent information.
homonym two or more words that are pronounced alike but have different meanings.
hyperbole an exaggerated statement used to make a strong effect.
imagery words and phrases used specificaly to help the reader to imagine each of the senses.
inference reading between the lines.
irony a tone that is created when the speaker intends to mean that which is opposite to the words they are saying.
judge to say if something is good or bad.
limerick light or humorous verse.
metaphor a comparison between two unlike things without using the words like or as.
mood the overall feeling created by the author's words.
narrator the speaker of the story.
nonfiction writing that is true and the purpose is to inform.
onomatopeia words whose sounds express their meaning.
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