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CDE Exam


What impacts Fasting Blood Glucose? 1. Hepatic glucose output 2. Basal insulin 3. Fasting glucagon
What impacts Postprandial Blood Glucose? 1. Carb intake + absorption 2. Insulin release (early & late) 3. Peripheral glucose uptake 4. Incretin Effects 5. Glucagon suppression
What does Self Management Include? 1. Learning about the disease 2. Defining personal goals 3. Making informed decisions about treatment 4. Developing skills (physical & behavioral) 5. Evaluating efficacy of plan toward reaching goals
What is the objective of DSME and unique outcome measurement? Behavior Change
AADE 7 Self Care Behaviors 1. Healthy Eating 2. Being Active 3. Monitoring 4. Taking Meds 5. Problem Solving 6. Healthy Coping 7. Reducing Risks
How many in the US live with Diabetes? 29.1 million or 9.3%
Describe the Health Belief Model When a person's belief about the health problem, perceived benefit of action and barriers to action, and self-efficacy explains their level of engagement or lack there of in health-promoting behaviors
What should be assessed when following the Health Belief Model? 1. Patients perceived severity of condition/dx 2. Perceived susceptibility 3. Perceived benefits of action 4. Perceived cost/barriers 5. Perceived competence/ability to perform (self-efficacy)
Transtheoretical Model is also known as... Stages of Change
What are the stages of change in the TTM 1. Precontemplation (not ready) 2. Contemplation (getting ready) 3. Preparation (ready) 4. Action 5. Maintenance
When someone is not aware there may be a problem, the CDE would work on building trust/rapport and raise doubts towards the individuals current belief in this stage... Precontemplation
CDE would support and encourage, assist in weighing pros/cons of action/inaction during this stage... Contemplation
CDE can assist/clarify in setting small goals, identifying behaviors to change or focus on in this stage... Preparation
CDE would continue assistance, support, identifying positive rewards, identify ongoing support systems/network during this stage... Action
CDE will continue to affirm, support, help ID long term goals, discuss relapse or barriers that may arise and help plan for during this stage... Maintenance
In this model, the HCP acts as a fascilitator Empowerment Model
OARS stands for what in Motivational Interviewing Open-ended questions Affirmations Reflective listening Summary
The 5 A's of Self Management 1. Assess - assess beliefs, knowledge, behavior 2. Advise- specific info on health risks & benefits of change 3. Agree - collaboratively set goals 4. Assist - ID personal barriers, strategies, problem solving techniques; support 5. Arrange - f/u
How is pre-diabetes diagnosed A1c: 5.7 - 6.4 % FPG: 101-125 75gram OGTT 2hour PP 140-199
Interventions for pre-diabetes include Diet and exercise (behavior modification) Metformin 7% loss of body weight
Target Lipid values for Diabetes Management HDL: women >50 & men >40 LDL: <100 unless pre-existing CVD, then <70
Target Blood Pressure for Diabetes Management < 140/90
Target A1c for Diabetes Management < 7% (ADA) or < 6.5 (AACE)
Other diabetes management goals for care (not labs/bp) are? ASA therapy, smoking cessation, AADE 7
Glycolysis Glucose breakdown, liberating energy, producing water & CO2
Glycogenesis Glucose stored in the muscle and liver as glycogen
Gluconeogenesis Production of glucose from new (non-carb) sources (protein to glucose)
Glycogenolysis Breakdown of glycogen with release of glucose
Ketogenesis Creation of ketone bodies when lipolysis occurs
Lipolysis Breakdown of fat to useable forms of energy (triglycerides and glycerol)
What is the calories per gram of carbohydrates, protein, fat and alcohol?? Carbs 4cal/gr Protein 4cal/gr Fat 9cal/gr Alcohol 7cal/gr
What is the recommended fiber intake? 10-20 gr/day
What should be considered when Fasting Hyperglycemia is present? * Hepatic glucose output * Basal insulin insufficiency * Fasting glucagon
What should be considered when postprandial hyperglycemia is present? * Carbohydrate intake & absorption * Insulin release/timing (early & late) * Peripheral glucose uptake * Incretin effects * Glucagon suppression
What meds primarily are used to target FPG? Metformin TZD's Sulfonylureas Basal Insulin GLP-1 receptor agonists
What meds primarily are used to target Postprandial PG GLP-1 RA DPP IV Inhibitors Meglitinides Alpha-glucosidase Inhibitors Prandial Insulins (rapid, regular)
Created by: kat10
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