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Solar The energy received by Earth from the sun in the form of radiation
Wind The movement of air caused by differences in air pressure
Water The generation of energy through water
Biomass Plant material, manure, or any other organic matter that is used as an energy source
Geothermal The energy produced by heat within Earth
Fuel Combustible matter used to maintain fire, as coal, wood, oil, or gas, in order to create heat or power
Nonrenewable Not able to be restored, replaced, recommenced, etc: nonrenewable resources
Coal A black or dark-brown combustible mineral substance consisting of carbonized vegetable matter, used as a fuel
Oil Any of a large class of substances typically unctuous, viscous, combustible, liquid at ordinary temperatures, and soluble in ether or alcohol but not in water: used for anointing, perfuming, lubricating, illuminating, heating, etc
Natural Gas A mixture of gaseous hydrocarbons located under the surface of the Earth, often near petroleum deposits; used as a fue
Conservation The preservation and wise use of natural resources
Pollution An undesirable change in the natural environment that is caused by the introduction of substances that are harmful to living organisms or by excessive wastes, heat, noise, or radiation
Pollutants Something that pollutes
Air Pollution The contamination of the atmosphere by the introduction of pollutants from human and natural sources
Water Pollution The introduction into water of waste matter or chemicals that are harmful to organisms living in the water or to those that drink or are exposed to the water
Contour Plowing Was a method of plowing furrows that follow the curves of the land rather than straight up and down slopes
Windbreaks A growth of trees, a structure of boards, or the like, serving as a shelter from the wind
Conservation Plowing Is a method of planting and harvesting crops where stalks and other residue from the previous year are left on the ground into the next season
Crop Rotation The system of varying successive crops in a definite order on the same ground, especially to avoid depleting the soil and to control weeds, diseases, and pests
Created by: Nia Warren
Popular Earth Science sets




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