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renewable a resource that is naturally replaced in a pretty short time (resources is constantly being supplied) (ex:solar, wind, water, biomass, fruit and vegetables, Timber)
fossils fuel are the energy rich substances formed from the REMAIN OF ONCE LIVING ORGANISMS. (ex:coal, oil, natural gas)
norenwable a natural resource that is not replaced as it used (are being used up faster then made)
conservation exsimples carpool, ride bike, recycle, turn off light/ computer, take quick shower, fix leaky faucets
geothermal energy magma heats up water underground. (hot water and steam are valuable sources of geothermal energy)
conservation the process of using a resource wisely (it will not be used up)
pollution unwanted change in the natural environment that is caused by humans and other things (that are harmful to living organisms)
water pollution waste matter or chemicals being dumped in water (that are harmful to organisms living in the water or to those that drink or are exposed to the water)
air pollution the contamination of the air by the introduction of pollutants from human and natural sources
contour plowing plowing along the contours of the land (order to stop soil erosion)
windbreaks a thing, such as a row of trees, a fence, wall, or screen (provides shelter or protection from the wind.)
Conservation Plowing is a method of planting or harvesting crops where stalks and other thing from the other year are left on the ground into the next season (is a method of planting and harvesting crops)
crop rotion is the practice of growing a series of different crops in the same area in order of seasons.
fallow land not used for growing crops for a season or more (uncultivated.)
pollutants a substance that pollutes something
windmills generate large amounts of electric power (by wind)
hydroelectric power electricity produced by flowing water (water goes through tunnels and turns turbines connected to a generator)
tidal energy the tide moves a huge amount of water twice a day
biomass fuels are fuels made from things that were once alive (ex:wood, leaves, food wastes, manure)
nuclear energy in a nuclear power plant, heat is released from reactions, and turns water to steam.the steam turns a turbine to generate electricity
Created by: beatriz ramirez
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