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Oxford Latin Ch 8

sentence matching

ubi Patroclus mortuus est When Patroclus is dead
Achillés eum diū lūget Achilles mourns him for a long time
Hectorem vindicāre cupit He wants to take vengenance on Hector
redit ad pugnam He returns to the fight.
et comites in Trōiānōs dūcit and he leads his comrades against the Trojans.
ubi Achillem vident when they see Achilles
illī territī sunt they are terrified
in urbem fugiunt they flee into the city
Hector sōlus extrā mūrōs manet Hector remains alone outside the walls
pater Priamus, rēx Trōiae, et māter Hecuba his father Priam, king of Troy, and his mother Hecuba
eum vident ē mūrīs they watch him from the walls
fīlium vocant they call their son
Priamus clāmat Priam shouts
Hector, nōli Achillem in pugnam vocare Hector, don't call Achilles into a fight
nōn potes eum vincere you cannot beat him
urbem intrā; festīnā enter the city; hurry
māter clāmat His mother shouts
fīlī care dear son
nōlī extrā mūrōs manēre don't wait outside the walls
nōlī mortem obīre do not confront death
māter tua misera tē ōrat your wretched mother begs you
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