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Moduel 4

Vital signs

What is the normal respiratory rate for a newborn? 35-40 breaths per minute
What is the normal respiratory rate for a child? 20-30 breaths per minute
What is the normal respiratory rate for a teenager? 16-20 breaths per minute
What is the normal respiratory rate for a adult? 12-20 breaths per minute
What are normal vital signs for older adults? Temp: app.36*C(96.8*F) Heart rate:60-100 beats per minute Respiratory 12-20 BP normally less than 120/80 Pulse oximetry 95-100
Things that could affect patient's vital signs Time of day, moving from standing to lying, pain, etc.
How is body temperature figured out? Heat produced-heat lost= body temperature
Normal body temperatures? 36-38*C (96.8-100.4*F)
How much higher are rectal temperatures than oral? 0.5*C(0.9*F)
How much lower are axillary and tympanic temps than oral? 0.5*C (0.9*F)
What color is oral thermometers? Blue probe
What color is rectal thermometers? Red Probe
What are factors that normally influence temperature? Age, exercise, hormones, stress, environmental temp., medications, and daily fluctuations.
If a patient has a fever how often should you check it after giving the patient antipyretics? 30 mins after administrating and then every 4 hours until the temperature stabilizes.
How fast is an infants heart rate? 120-160 beats per minute
How fast is a 2 year olds heart rate? 90-140 beats per minute
How fast is a teenagers/adults heart rate? 60-90 teenager and then 60-100 throughout adulthood and into old age.
Examples that can increase heart rate Stress, hemorrhage, changing from lying to standing, and fever.
Examples that decrease heart rate Hypothermia and general atheistic
If the patient has been active when should you check the pulse? 5-10 minutes after exercise
If the patient has drank caffeine or smoked how long should you wait? 15 minutes before assessing
What is bradycardia? When a patients heart rate falls bellow 60 beats per minute.
What is tachycardia? When a patients heart rate is above 100 beats per minute.
How is pulse quality graded? 3+: Full/bounding 2+: Normal 1+: Weak/thread 0: Absent
Where is PMI/apical impulse best heard? At the 5th ICS
Where is the angle of Louis? A bony province just bellow the super sternal notch,
What is the respiratory rate for an infant? 30-50
What is the respiratory rate for an adult? 12-20
What is ventilation Mechanical movement of gases into and out of the lungs
What is diffusion movement of oxygen and carbon dioxide between the alveoli and the red blood cells.
What is perfusion distribution of red blood cells to and from the pulmonary capillaries
When does the body use more energy during inspiration or expiration? Inspiration
What factors influence the character of respirations? Exercise, anxiety, acute pain, smoking, medications, body positioning, and neurologic injury
If patients respiratory rate is bellow 12 what is it considered? Bradypnea
If the patients respiratory rate is above 20 what is it considered? Tachypnea
Arterial blood pressure has 2 components Systolic and diastolic. Remember sit down
What is the standard unit for measuring blood pressure Millimeters of mercury mm Hg
What is the difference between systolic and diastolic pressure called? pulse pressure
What is prehypertension Is designated for patients at high risk for developing hypertension
What is hypertension Defined as systolic is 140 or greater and diastolic is 90 or greater, or taking antihypertension meds.
What is hypotension systolic falls to 90 or lower
What is orthostatic hypotension It is when a patient gets dizzy or lightheaded when they go from lying to sitting or sitting to standing.
What are risk factors for blood pressure alterations history of cardiovascular disease, renal disease, diabetes, circulatory shock, acute or chronic pain, rapid IV infusions of fluids or blood, increased intracranial pressure, postoperative status, and pregnancy induced hypertenstion
What are sign and symptoms of blood pressure alterations(hypertension) headache, flushing of face, nosebleed, and fatigue of older adults
What are signs and symptoms of blood pressure alterations(hypotension) dizziness, mental confusion, restlessness, pale or dusky , and cool/molted skin over extremities
Where can a pulse oximetry be placed on an adult finger, toe, earlobe, bridge of nose
Created by: spilkington11
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