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Nursing organizations. Power. In empowerment chapter 5

Founded by civic, charitable, or religious groups. Do not have to generate a profit in addition to meeting expenses. Private not-for-profit organization
Government operated service that range from county public health department to complex medical centers. (Veterans administration) Public health care organization
Operate for profit like other businesses. Include freestanding centers (surgical and diagnostic). Private for-profit organization
The real values of an organization are those that actually govern its behavior and decision making processes, whether they are formally stated or not. It is ian enduring set of shared values, beliefs, and assumptions. "Right way" or "Our way" Organizational culture
Physical characteristics (patient room layout, paint colors, lobby design, logo, directional signs) artifact level
Written goals, philosophy of the organization Espoused beliefs
Unconscious but powerful beliefs and feelings, (commitment to cure every patient, no matter the cost) Underlying assumptions
Artifact level. Espoused beliefs. Underlying assumptions. Levels of organizational culture
Willingness acknowledge mistakes. Vigilance in detecting and eliminating error prone situations. Openness to question existing systems and to change them to prevent errors. Shared values, attitudes, and behaviors directed at preventing or minimizing p Culture of safety
Collegial relationships with physicians, skilled nurse managers with high levels of leadership abilities, emphasis on staff development, and quality of care are important factors in Care environment
Excellence. Meaningfulness. Regard. LearnIng and growth. Factors that contribute to excellence and longevity (low turnover) of nurse managers
Always striving to be better, refusing to accept mediocrity Excellence
Being very clear about the purpose of the organization (serving the poor, healing the environment, protecting abused women) Meaningfulness
Understanding the work people do and valuing it Regard
Providing mentors, guidance, opportunity to grow and develop Learning and growth
Survival. Growth, Profit. Status. Dominance Organizational goals
Division of labor. Hierarchy. Rules and regulations. Emphasis on technical competence. Bureaucracy
Specific part of a job to be done our sign two different individuals or groups. (Nurses, doctors, therapist-All provide portion of healthcare needed by an individual). Division of labor
All employees are organized and right cording to their level of authority with in the organization. (Administrators and directors are at the top most of hospitals here I all employees are organized and rate cording to their level of authority with in the hierarchies
Acceptable and unacceptable behavior in the proper way to carry out various tasks are defined, often in writing (procedure books, policy manuals, bylaws) Rules and regulations
People are certain skills in knowledge are hired to carry out specific parts of the total work of organization. (Mental health/psychiatrist, clerical staff/typing and filing Emphasis on technical competence
CEO, administrators, managers (also medical staff), staff nurses, technicians (including LPNs), aides; housekeeping; maintenance Organizational ladder
Usually in most healthcare organizations nurses fall somewhere in the middle higher than cleaning people, eggs, technians, they are parallel with___but lower than doctors and administrators Therapist
___Network emphasizes increased flexibility of the organizational structure, decentralized decision-making, and autonomy for working groups in team. (IV team, hospital infection control, child protection team) Organic
Written policies and procedures Formal process
___ for a wellness center resembles a mind map with different departments coming from the middle of the wellness center (page 78 figure 5.3) Nontraditional organic organizational structure
__ The ability to influence other people despite their resistance. One person or a group can impose its will on another person or group. T or F. Only people with authority have this. Power. False, they do not have all the power.
Authority. Reward. Control of information. Coercion Systems of power
Power granted to an individual or group to control resources in decision-making by virtue of position with in the organizational hierarchy Authority
The promise of money, goods, services, recognition, or other benefits Reward
The special knowledge of an individual is believed to possess. Knowledge is power Control of information
The threat of pain or some type of harm, which may be physical, economic or psychological Coercion
Managers. Patients. Assistant in technicians. Registered nurses. All have what in common? Power at lower levels of the hierarchy (Page 79)
Self-dermination. Meaning. Competence. Impact. Our ways that nurses either individually or collectively can? Maximize their power in increase their feelings of empowerment
Empowerment or power. ___Refers to feelings. ___Refers to ability Empowerment equals feelings. Ability equals power
Feeling free to decide how to do your work. Self determination
Caring about your work, enjoying it, and taking it seriously Meaning
Confidence in your ability to do your work well Competence
Feeling that people listen to your ideas, that you make a difference Impact
Decision-making. Autonomy. Manageable workload. Reward and recognition. Fairness. Contribute to a nurses______. What it happened if this is not met? Empowerment . This empowerment
Control of nurse practice within an organization Decision-making
Ability to act on the basis of one's knowledge and experience Autonomy
Reasonable work assignments Manageable workload
Appreciation, both tangible (raises, bonuses) and intangible (praises) received for a job well done Reward and recognition
Consistent, equitable treatment of all staff Fairness
Resources. Support. Information. Are powerful when used for? Decision-making
Money, materials, human help needed to accomplish work Resources
Authority to take action without having to obtain permission Support
Patient care expertise and now it's about the organizations goals and activities of other departments. Information
Created by: srchilds
Popular Nursing sets




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