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Stack #196722


Birthrate Number of live births per 1000 population
Fertility Rate Number of births per 1000 women between 15-44, calculated on a yearly basis
Infant Mortality Rate Number of deaths of infants under 1 yr of age per 1000 live births
Maternal Mortality Rate Number of maternal deaths from births and complications of pregnancy, childbirth, and puerperium per 100,000 live births
Neonatal Mortality Rate Number of infant deaths under the age of 28 days per 1000 live births
Perinatal Mortality Rate Number of stillbirths and the number of neonatal deaths per 1000 live births
Stillbirth An infant that demonstrates no signs of life at birth
Puerperium The first 42 days after the termination of the pregnancy
Where does fertilization usually occur? Ampulla of the uterine tube (outer 1/3)
Mitosis Replication of body cells by division which produce exact copies of original cells. Facilitates growth and developement or cell replacement
Meiosis Division of germ cells that decreases their chromosomal number by half
Ovum Female reproductive cell, viable for 24 hours after release from ovarian follicle
Sperm Male reproductive cell viable for 2-3 days within female reproductive tract
Sperm transit time to ovum? 4-6 hours average, some 5 minutes
Zygote Fertilized ovum, has 46 chromosomes
Morula Day 3 embryo, consists of 16-50 blastomeres
Blastomeres Cells of a morula that are successively smaller, keeping the morula from increasing in size
Trophoblasts Blastomere cells that give rise to the placenta
Embryoblasts Blastomere cells that give rise to the embryo
Blastocyst The whole structure of an embryo which has a defined blastocyst cavity
Implantation Occurs between 6-10 days post conception, trophoblastic enzymes breakdown the endometrium for blastocyst implantation
Chorionic Villi Develope from trophoblasts and extend into blood filled spaces of the endometrium. Secrete hCG, provide nutrients for embryo,l dispose of waste from embryo
Decidua Term for endometrium after implantation
Decidua Basalis Decidua directly under blastocyst with Chorionic Villi
Decidua Capsularis Decidua covering blastocyst
Decidua Vera Decidua lining the uterus
Ovum / Preembryonic Stage From conception to day 14
Embryo Stage From day 15 to 8 weeks
Fetus Stage From week 9 to delivery
Corpus Luteum Developes from a follicle after ovulation, secretes estrogen and progesterone
Primary germ layers Differentiation of embryonic disk in 3rd week after conception into 3 layers
Ectoderm Upper layer of embryonic disk. Forms glands,nails, hair, CNS, PNS, eye lens, tooth enamel
Mesoderm Middle layer of embryonic disk. Forms bones, teeth, muscle, dermis, connective tissue, CV system, spleen, urogenital system
Endoderm Lower level of embryonic disk. Forms epithelial lining of respiratory and digestive tracts, glandular cells, liver, pancreas, urethra, bladder, vagina, roof of yolk sac
Source of amniotic fluid Maternal serum, fetal urine
How much amniotic fluid is swallowed by a fetus by month 5? 600ml daily
How much amniotic fluid at term? 800-1200ml
Oligohydramnios Less than 300ml of amniotic fluid.Related to fetal renal abnormalitites
Polyhydramnios More than 2l of amniotic fluid.Associated with gastrointestinal and other abnormalities.
Function of amniotic fluid for fetus to drink, stabilized temp., washed vagina at birth, cushions against injury, enhanced fetal movement, prevents pressure on cord, fetal lung developement
Placenta originates from... chorinic villi and decidua basalis
Palcenta is formed and functioning by what month? Third
Placenta weighs.. 400-600 grams
The hormone detected in pregnancy tests? Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG)
How soon after conception can hCG be detected? 8-10 days
hCG functions to preserve the... corpus luteum, which produces estrogen and progesterone to maintain the pregnancy early on.
Where is hCG produced? Placenta
Where is hCS produced? Placenta
hCS functions to... transport glucose aross placenta, stimulate lactation, increase maternal resistance to insulin, stimulates maternal metabolism.
When does hCG reach its max? 50-70 days
Estrogen functions to.. stimulate uterine growth and uteroplacental blood flow, breast tissue proliferation, stimulates myometrial contractility
Placental estrogen estriol
Ovarian estrogen estradiol
Progesterone functions to... maintain endometrium and then the desidua, decreases contractibility of uterus.
Relaxin functions to... relax joint articulations, increase maternal metabolism, develope breast alveoli.
First system to function in fetus? Cardiovascular
Ductus arteriosis Fetal shunt that bypasses lungs
Ductus venosus Fetal shunt that bypasses liver and dumps into inferior vena cava
Foramen ovale Fetal shunt from right atrium to left atrium
Umbilical vein Brings highly oxygenated arterial blood to the fetus from the placenta
Umbilical arteries 2 arteries that bring co2 from fetus to placenta, poorly oxygentaed
Gravida Number of Pregnancies
Term Births Births between 38-42 weeks
Premature births Births after 20 weeks but before 37 weeks
Abortion Termination before 20 weeks
EDC, EDB, EDD Expected date of confinement, birth, or delivery, Figured by Nagele's Rule
Nagele's rule (First day of last menstrual period)-(3 months)+(7 days)= EDD
Amenorrhea absence of menstruation
Quickening First flutters of fetal movement
Goodell's sign Softening of cervix
Chadwick's sign Cervix becomes bluish in color
Hegar's sign Softening of the lower uterin segment
Ballotment rebound of baby inutero any digital examination
When can fetal heart tones be heard? Stethescope 17-19 weeks, Doppler 8-17 weeks
Presumptive signs of pregnancy Breast changes,amenorrhea, N/V, urinary frequency, fatique, quickening
Probable signs of pregnancy Goodell's sign, Chadwick's sign, Hegqar's sign, positive pregnancy test, Braxton Hicks, quickening
Positive signs of pregnancy Positive ultrasound, x-ray visualization,FHT, fetal movements that can be palpated or seen
When do Braxton Hicks contractions start to occur? After the 4th month
Uterine souffle Uterine arterial blood flow, synchronized with maternal pulse
Uteroplacental blood volume at term 1/6 of maternal blood volume
Funic souffle Umbilical vessel blood flow, synchronized with the fetal heart rate
Friabilty Easily broken
Cervical changes during pregnancy Increased vascularity, increased fraibilty, mucous plug fills endocervix
Vaginal changes during pregnancy Leukorrhea, pH increase from 3.5-6 (alkaline to neutral),more prone to yeast infections, increased vascularity may lead to increased sexual arousal
General body changes during pregnancy Slight cardiac enlargement, apical pulse increases 10-15bpm @14-20 weeks, BP decreased in 2nd trimester
Supine hypotensive syndrome Caused from compression of the vena cava by the uterus when lying falt on back.Decrease of systolic pressure of 30mm hg, reflex bradycardia, reduced cardiac output and faintness.
Striae graviderum Stretchmarks
Chloasma Mask of pregnancy
Linea Nigra Darkened line form belly button to symphysis pubis
Pica Craving and ingestion of non-nutritive substances or food substances
Rapid Plasma Reagent (RPR) Syphillis test
Blood tests during pregnancy RPR, CBC, RH blood typing, Heatitis B, H&H, WBC
Urine Test during pregnancy Glucose, albumin, nitrates, leukocytes
Vaginal tests during pregnancy GC, chlamydia, pap smear
McDoanld Method of measuring fetal development Top of symphysis pubis to top of fundus, in centimeters, height corresponds to week of gestation
Alpha fetoprotein Test Elevated levels indicate open neuro tube defects, decreased levels may indicate downs syndrome, done at 16-18 weeks gestation
Group Beta Strep Swab done at 35-37 weeks, lives in vagina and rectum, deadly to newborns
When and where can the fundus first be palpated? 14 weeks at level of symphysis pubis
Uterine Souffle Uterine arterial blood flow. Synchronized with maternal pulse
Uteroplacental blood volume 1/6 of maternal blood volume contained in uterus at term
Funic souffle Umbilical vesssel blood flow, Synchronized with fetal pulse
When do Braxton Hicks start? 4th month
Presumptive signs of pregnancy Breast changes, amenorrhea, N/V, Urinary frequency, fatigue, quickening
Probable signs of pregnancy Goodell's sign, Chadwick's sign, Hegar's sign, Positive pregnancy test, Braxton Hicks, ballotment
Positive signs of pregnancy Positive ultrasound, x-ray visualization, FHT, Fetal movements that can be palpated or seen
Intrauterine growth restriction Featl undergrowth from any cause
SGA baby Small for gestational age
Underweight BMI <19.8 should gain 12.5-18kgs
Normal BMI 19.8-26 should gain11.5-16kgs
Overweight BMI 26-29 should gain 7-11.5kgs
Obese BMI >29 should gain 7kgs
Glucose tolerance test GTT done at 24-28 weeks, screen for gestational diabetes
Hemoglobin >11
Hematocrit >33
RBC's 1500-1900
Plasma Volume, per ml 3700
Mean Arterial Pressure MAP (Systolic +2)(Diastolic)/3=Map
Weight gain in first and second trimester due to... growth of maternal tissue
Weight gin in third trimester due to... fetal growth
Physiologic Anemia Decrease of hemoglobin relative to the increase of plasma
False labor Irregular contractions, no increase in frequency duration or intensity, NO CERVICAL CHANGE
How to stop false labor Comfort measures, walking, changing position
True labor CERVICAL CHANGES, regular contractions increase with walking,increase in frequency
Essentials factors of labor PassengerPassagewayPowersPosition of MotherPsyche
Fetal Presentation Portion of the fetus overlying the pelvic inlet. Cephalic, breech, shoulder
Sutures of skull Sagitall,lambdoidal.coronal,frontal
Fetal Lie Relation of long axis (spine) of fetus to long axis of mother. Longitudinal and transverse
Fetal Attitude Chin on chest, thighs to chest, knees bent (fetal position)
Fetal Position Relationship of fetal presenting part to quadrants of maternal pelvis
Maternal Pelvic Quadrants Anterior, posterior, transverse
3 part abbreviation for POSITION First letter-denotes location of presenting part related to side of maternal pelvis (R-L)Second Letter-Specific presenting part of fetus (Occiput, sacrum, mentum, scapula)Quadrant of maternal pelvis
Best place to hear fetal heart tones (FHT) Over the shoulder
Leopold's Maneuver 4 external maneuvers to determine fetal position in utero
Lightening Moving of fetus into the pelvis 10-14 days before labor
Mechanisms of labor Engagement, descent, flexion, internal rotation, extension, restitution and external rotation, expulsion
How many stges of labor? 4
First stage of labor Onset of regular uterine contractions to full effacement and dilation of the cervix
Second stage of labor Full dilation of cervix to birth of baby
Third stage of labor Birth of the baby to the separation and expulsion of placenta
Fourth stage of labor 1-2 hours after delivery
First stage latent phase Phase in the first stage of labor when the cervix dilates form 1-3cm
First stage active phase Phase in first stage of labor when the cervix dilates form 4-7cm
First stage transition phase Phase in first stage of labor when the cervix dilates from 8-10cm
Passageway Birth canal, consists of the pelvis, cervix, pelvic floor, vagina, introitus
Gynecoid Pelvis 50% of women, round
Android Pelvis 23% of women, heart shaped
Anthropoid Pelvis 24% of women, oval shaped
Platypelloid Pelvis 3% of women, flat shaped
Primary Powers Involuntary contractions responsible for effacement,dilation and descent of fetus
Terms used to describe involuntary contractions Frequency, duration, intensity
Effacement Shortening and thinning of cervix
Ferguson reflex Urge to push
Secondary Powers Ferguson reflex
Second stage latent phase Resting phase
Second stage descent phase Active pushing
Second stage trasition phase Presenting part on the perinium
Fetal Tachycardia 160 BPM or more sustained for 10 minutes or more
Fetal Bradycardia 110 BPM or less sustained for 10 minutes or more
FHR Baseline Average rate during a 10 minute segment excluding episodic changes, marked variability, and segments of the baseline that differ more than 25 beats
Minimal Variability <5 BPM from FHR baseline
Moderate Variability 6-25 BPM from FHR baseline
Marked Variability >25 BPM from FHR baseline
Absence of variability A non-reassuring sign
Periodic Accelerations Caused by dominance of sympathetic nervous response, usually breech babies
Accelerations during movement are... a sign of fetal well being
Decelerations Decrease of FHR, related to parasympathetic response
Early decelerations Associated with head compression
Variables are caused by... umbilical cord compression
Amnioinfusion Increasing amount of amniotic fluid to reduce variable decelerations (floating the cord)
IUFD Intrauterine fetal demise (stillborn)
Postmaturity Overdue
Oxytocin "Pit", used to induce or augment a slow labor
Piggy back pitocin into... the closest site to patient
Pitocin "Recipe" 20 units/1000 mlLR on a pump at 1-2 miliunits/minute
2 miliunits equal 6 mls
Increase pitocin... Every 15-30 minutes until regular contraction pattern established. 1-2 miliunits intervals
Amniotomy Artificial rupture of mambranes
Check maternal vitals with pitocin drip every... 15 minutes
Amniocentesis indications for use Genetic concerns, fetal maturity, fetal hemolytic disease
Possible maternal complications from amniocentesis Hemorrhage, infection, labor, abruption, amniotic embolus, maternal RH isoimmunization, leakage
Possible fetal complications from amniocentesis death, hemorrhage, infection, direct injury from needle, miscarriage, preterm labor
Amnioitis Infection of amnion
Biophysical Profile (BPP) Assessment of physical and physiological characteristics of the developing fetus, non-invasive
Normal BPP for fetal breathing movements One or more episodes in 30 minutes, each lasting >= 30secs
Normal BPP for gross fetal body movements 3 or more discrete body or limb movements on 30 min.
Abnormal BPP for fetal breathing movements Episodes absent or no episodes in >= 30 sec in 30 minutes
ABnormal BPP for groos fetal body movements Less than 3 episodes of the body or limb movements in 30 minutes
Normal fetal tone 1 or more episodes of active extension and flexion of fetal limbs, trunk, hands
Slow fetal tone Slow extension and flexion, movement of limb in full extension, or movement absent
Reactive fetal heart rate 2 or more episodes of acceleration (>15 bpm) in 20 minutes, each lasting >=15 seconds and associated with fetal movement
Qualitative amniotic fluid volume 1 or pockets of fluid measuring >=1cm in 2 perpendicular planes
Scoring for BPP Normal 8-10Equivocal 6Abnormal <4
Nonstress Test (NST) Tests fetal well being, most commonly used
Accelerations of the FHT is associated with... Gross fetal body movements
NST Procedure Semi fowlers, slight lt tilt,
Non reactive NST If after 1 hr the test does not meet criteria
NST testing recommendations 2x weekly after 28 weeks for women with diabetes, or are at risk for fetal death
Oxytocin contraction test (OCT) Contraction stress test
Purpose of an OCT test Indentify a fetus that cannot tolerate labor
OCT procedure Determine FHR baseline with external fetal monitor for 20 minutes, Induce contractions with oxytocin (1-2 mu/min of Pitosin) or nipple stimulation
OCT contraction 3 contractions in 10 minutes lasting for 40 seconds
Neg OCT No late decelerations
Pos OCT 2 out of 3 contractions have decelerations
Created by: janelloyd
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