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Int ScienceMidterm

Integrated Science I ST Mid-term

endotherm an animal that regulates its body temeperature to maintain a constant internal temperature
transfer of heat in gases and liquids
ectotherm an animal whose body temperature can adjust to the environment
conductor material that conducts heat easily
thermal expansion expansion of matter caused by heating
specific heat amount of heat needed to raise the temperature of 1g of a substance 1 degree
radiation transfer of energy through space
potential stored energy
convection movement of gases or liquids caused by differences in density
conduction process of heat transfer in solids
insulator material that does not conduct heat easily
thermal pollution damage that occurs when waste heat enters the environment
law of conservation of energy energy cannot be created or destroyed, but only change form
kinetic energy energy of motion
A diver on a diving board has which kind of energy? gravitational potential energy
Which kind of energy played a major role in sculpting the earth's surface? kinetic energy
Who introduced the law of conservation of energy? Jonas Salk Albert Einstein Edwin Hubble
When you turn on a light, electrical energy is turned into light and heat
chemical energy stored in the head of a match
nuclear energy used to keep protons and neutrons tightly bound together
electrical energy that runs a toaster oven
electromagnetic energy that heats food in a microwave oven
heat (thermal) energy released when you rub your habds together
mechanical energy stored in a spring on a toy car
Atomic Number total mass of protons and neutrons, an average of all an element's atomic mass
electron cloud the area around the nucleus of an atom that contains energy levels
neutron particle has no charge
electron particle that has a negative charge
proton particle that has a postive charge
element a substance that cannot be broken down into simpler substances
period horizontal row in the periodic table of elements
group vertical column in the periodic table of elements
family elements that have the same properties, for example: heavy metals that are brittle
chemical symbol shortened way of writing the name of an element
atomic number number of protons in the nucleus of an atom
atomic mass number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus of an atom
isotope atom of an element with the same number of protons as the other atoms of the element, but have a different number of neutrons
atom smallest part of an element that can be identified as that element
ion a charged atom
troposhere lowest layer of the atmosphere where weather occurs
atmosphere layer of gases that surrounds the Earth
sea breeze a breeze that blows from the ocean to the earth
air current up and down movement of air
cellular respiration process by which cells release energy from food molecules
photosynthesis process by which plants produce food from the sun
ultra violet light harmful sunlight blocked by the ozone layer
matter anything that has mass and volume
radiant energy energy given off by the sun that can travel through empty space
oxygen gas that makes up 21% of the atmosphere
nitrogen gas that makes up 78% of the atmosphere
trace gases gases that make up less than .05% of the atmosphere
heat from the earth's surface warms the atmosphere by radiation and conduction
sources of CO2 are industry, cars, animals (respiration)
2 sinks (resevoirs) of CO2 are oceans, plants
3 reasons why oxygen is important photosynthesis, combines with H to form water vapor, cellular respiration
biodegradable material that breaks down easily
desalination process of getting fresh water from salt water
conservation wise use of resources
acid rain rain containing acids produced by water chemically combining with certain gases
pollutant anything that harms the environment
geothermal energy produced from inside the earth
hard water water containing a lot of minerals especially calcium and magnesium
wildlife all plants and animals that live in an area
natural resource material from the earth taht is used by living things
solar cells device that converts sunlight into electricity
litter materials that are carelessly thrown away
nuclear energy produced by splitting or combining atoms
environment everything that surrounds a living thing
hydro electric power electrical energy produced from moving water
pollution harmful substance in the environment
smog mixture of smoke, fog and chemicals
soft water water containing few or no minerals
sewage wastes usually flushed away in water
solar energy energy from the sun
recycling using a natural resource again
climate the average conditions of an area over many years
climate change the change in climate over a long period of time which can range from decades to centuries
greenhouse effect the natural warming of the arth that keeps the planet habitable
carbon cycle the global exchange of carbon among its reservoirs
feddback loop an example of a _______ would be the warming oceans prevent carbon from dissolving causing CO2 buildup in the atmosphere which causes oceans to become even warmer
7 neutral on the ph scale
5 rain has a natural ph of
global warming which effect is NOT caused by acid rain
eutrophication the build up of nutirents in lakes that causes green algae to grow out of control
mercury a poisonous element that pollutes water and builds up in fish
Carbon Dioxide, CO2 an increase in this gas causes air temperatures to rise
renewable resource an energy resource that can be reused
nitrogen fixing bacteria nitrogen would not be available for plants to take up without
industrial chemicals such as CFCs cause the destruction of ozone
carbon Dioxide, CO2 the burning of fossil fuels releases which gas into the air?
seasons, temperature, moisture and weather what four factors affect climate?
eccentricity, procession, axial tilt what three factors makeup the Milankovitch Cycle?
CFCs, CO2 and tractor trailer trucks what causes acid rain?
nitrogen oxide, CFCs what two gases are released into the air that causes acid rain?
CO2, methane, water vapor what are three main greenhouse gases?
increases temperatures what effect do greenhouse gases have on temperatures?
sea level rise, severe weather, disease, drought two effects of global warming are
greenhouse gases naturally blanketing the earth the greenhouse effect is caused by
increase water is a greenhouse gas so it causes temperatures to
Created by: ldorso
Popular Science sets




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