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Question | Answer |
Subject | answers WHO? or WHAT? before the verb: MARY works in that store.(who works? Mary) |
Object of Prepostion | Answers WHOM? or WHAT? after a preposition: I mailed a letter to HER.(for whom? Her) |
Direct Object | Answers WHOM? or WHAT? after the verb: A mean boy kicked my DOG.((kicked what? dog) |
Indirect Object | Tells TO WHOM or FOR WHOM something was done without using TO or FOR; between verb and direct object: I loaned HER my book(to whom did I loan my book? her |
Subjective Complement AKA Predicate Nominative or Predicate Adjective | follows linking verb and renames or descrives subject: My best friends are MARY and SHE.(frineds=Mary and she) |
Appositive | follows nouns, renames noun, set off with commas: I went for a walk with ROVER, my dog.(Rover=dog) |
Objective Complement | follows and remanses or describes direct object: they named the baby MARY.(baby=Mary) |
Noun of Direct Address | calls someone bvy name=set off with commas: come here, dog. (dog being called) |
Adverbial Noun | noun which answers adverb question: He arrived this MORNING.(arrived when?..morning) |