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Monsoon Asia Test

What is atmospheric pressure? The weight of the atmosphere pressing down on any point of the surface of Earth. Air sinks in high pressure areas, and few clouds form. Air rises in low pressure areas to form clouds that produce rain.
What is a monsoon? A seasonal wind. Summer monsoon winds in South Asia usually bring rain to that region.
What is the orographic effect? The precipitation that occurs when moist air rises up the side of a mountain. As the air rises, it cools down and releases most of its moisture as rain or snow.
What is rain shadow? A dry area on the downwind side of a mountain.
What are the effects of living in Dhaka, Bangladesh? Floods can destroy property and take lives, crops destroyed when fields get flooded, diseases spread, drinking water can be polluted.
What are some adaptations to living in Dhaka, Bangladesh's climate? Structures get built on stilts to prevent flood damage, farmers often grow rice.
What kind of climate does Jodhpur have? Semiarid
What are the effects of living in Jodhpur, India? Droughts are common, growing crops is different, drinking water can become very scarce.
What are some adaptations to living in Jodhpur, India's climate? People raise livestock in addition to crops, farmers use drip irrigation, families survive by eating wild grass (samas).
How are Calcutta's winters like? Dry and pleasant.
How are Calcutta's months June-September? Monsoons can bring 50 inches of rain and the temperature can reach as high as 100 degrees Fahrenheit.
What are the effects of living in Calcutta, India? Farmers get needed water for dry fields, flooding is common, the sewer system gets blocked up, transportation suffers, diseases spread.
What are some adaptation to living in Calcutta, India's climate? Rickshaws carry passengers through flooded streets, canals might be rebuilt to help with flooding, sewer lives are being repaired.
What does a Pune sit in? A rain shadow.
What is the Pune's air like most of the year? Hot and dry.
What happens in the months June-September in Pune? Monsoons 29 inches of flooding the entire year.
What are the effects of living in Pune, India? Only 29 inches of rain falls in a year, crops are hard to grow.
What are some adaptations to living in Pune, India's climate? Cloud seeding is used to help bring rain, farmers plant drought resistant crops like sugar beats.
What is doubling time? The length of time it takes for a population to double.
What is a famine? A severe shortage of food that results in widespread hunger.
What is rate of natural increase? The annual rate of population growth. This percentage is calculated by subtracting the death rate from the birth rate. It does not include people moving into or out of a country.
What is zero population growth? A condition in which the population of a country does not grow but remains stable. This condition comes about when the birth rate and immigration rate equals the death rate plus emigration.
What was the great leap forward? What challenges did it create for China? It was a plan to help China become a modern industrial country. Its challenges were famine because 20 million people died of starvation.
How does the one-child policy try to address the challenges created by China's large and growing population? By rewarding all families that follow the one-child policy.
What are benefits of the one-child policy? Reduced strain on food and water supplies, reduced the problem of having too many workers for too few jobs, the families benefit if they follow the one-child policy.
What are costs of the one-child policy? Many people don't like being told how many kids to have, Chinese families prefer having sons, the family name is passed on to the sons and the sons take care of their parents when they grow up.
What challenges does China face in supplying energy to its population? China has the second-largest consumption of energy in the world.
How is the three gorges dam intended to help China address those challenges? They will produce hydroelectric power from the three gorges dam.
What are benefits of the three gorges dam? Clean energy from a renewable resource, flood control, helps river shipping.
What are costs of the three gorges dam? The reservoir will cover up more than history, change the yangtze river ecosystem, the dam sits on an earthquake fault.
How did China's economy work under Mao Zedong? The country looked inward. Mao's goal was to make China self-sufficient.
How were the special economic zones intended to help China's economy? They made plans to open China to the rest of the world.
What are China's three goals? Zero population growth, clean energy, economic growth.
What are benefits of the special economic zones? Brought economic growth to China, China's special economic zones have created millions of new jobs.
What are costs of the special economic zones? Widening income gap between the rich and the poor, floating population.
What is arable land? Land suitable for growing crops.
What is arithmetic population density? The population of a country divided by its total land area.
What is physiologic population density? The population of a country divided by its arable land area.
What is population distribution? Where people live in a country, whether crowded together in cities or spread out across the country.
What is the average employee in Tokyo's commute time to work? 90 minutes.
How can you buy a car in Tokyo? The owner has to get it registered with proof that the owner has a place to park it.
Is the average home in Japan larger or smaller than an average home in the U.S.? Smaller.
Do Japanese homes have separate bedrooms? Nope.
Where do the Japanese grow rice? Terraces cut into steep mountainsides.
What have the Japanese built underground? Parks and zoos.
What do some Japanese wear to avoid making others ill? Face masks.
What do Japanese recycle to reduce trash? Cookie wrappers.
What is economic interdependence? A condition in which countries have strong economic ties and depend on each other for resources, technology, trade, and investment.
What is free trade? The flow of goods and services across national borders, with little or no government control.
What is globalization? The development of a global, or world wide, society in which people, money, information, and goods flow fairly freely across national borders.
What is multinational corporation? A large company that has operations in more than one country.
What are the four ways the design of sneakers has changed since the 1950's? Shoes were not just for sports anymore, they became casual shoes for everyday use, everyone began wearing them as fashion items, improve performance and comfort.
What are the three parts of the sneaker? What materials is each part made of? Upper: cotton, nylon, leather. Midsole: plastic, foam padding, airbags filled with pressurized gas. Tread: synthetic rubber, coal, oil.
Why does the leather come from Texas and Venezuela? They are livestock centers.
Why does the foam padding come from Saudi Arabia? It's an oil rich country.
Why does the synthetic rubber come from Taiwan? This country has factories to produce this material.
Where were sneakers manufactured? What changes occurred in the 1970's that caused sneaker companies to no longer make shoes at home? The sneakers were manufactured in the United States, Britain, and Germany. The sneaker started to become more complicated and the cost for sneakers was rising.
What are some reasons sneaker companies moved their production offshore to Asian countries? Ports for shipping material, the factories are already there, there are large pools of low-wage workers.
What is a typical sneaker distribution route from Asia to Alabama like? Asia- U.S.- West coast- Memphis- Alabama.
What three modes of transportation are used to move sneakers from Asia to stores in the United States? Across the globe by ship, across the country by train and truck, from the store to your home.
What are three advantages of using freight containers to transport products? Freight containers are weather proof, easy to stack, big ships carry more cargo, Memphis is a major distribution center where rail lines ans highways meet.
Does Japan have one of the highest population in the world? Yes.
The hilly Korean Peninsula and the chain of islands that make up Japan are part of East Asia. Japan's islands were formed by what? Volcanoes.
Special economic zones attract more foreign business than other parts of China because they offer companies that locate there what? Greater freedom.
What is one way people adapt to the semiarid climate of Jodhpur? They use drip irrigation.
What lets you ship stuff for free and pass tarriffs? Free trade.
What is Southeast Asia made of? Peninsulas and islands.
Where do most people in Japan live? Near a coastline.
What have special economic zones been most successful in increasing? China's GDP.
What is Dhaka known as? One of the world's wettest capitals.
What is Taiwan a major producer of? Synthetic rubber.
Where is natural rubber from? Brazil.
Why does natural rubber come from Brazil? It has tree sap that makes rubber.
What term describe a business that has operations all over the world? Multinational corporation.
How do you get physiologic population density? The population divided by the arable land.
How do you get arithmetic population density? The population divided by the total land area.
What are the benefits of the three gorges dam? Clean energy, flood control, safer river shipping.
What is not a benefit of the three gorges dam? More steel production.
Why have the people of Pune, India learned to live with frequent droughts? Pune lies in a rain shadow.
What is an impact of high population density on Japan's public transportation system? Subways and trains are overcrowded at rush hour.
What is arable land? Land that is suitable for farming.
Which country is major center of sneaker design? U.S.
What is the main goal of China's one-child policy? Zero population growth.
What has affected Japan's population distribution? Mountains.
What are monsoons? Seasonal winds.
What does a country's rate of natural increase indicate? It indicates how fast its population is growing each year.
What does globalization increase? International trade.
What does atmospheric pressure measure? The weight of air pushing down on Earth.
Created by: 1962116900
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