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Nervous/ Endocrine

What part of the brain controls balance and coordination? Cerebellum
What is the "control center" of the body? Brain
What is the largest part of the brain? Cerebrum
What is protected by the spine and receives messages from the brain and body? Spinal cord
What part of the nervous system is made of nerves and leaves from the spinal cord? PNS
What is the scientific name for nerve cells? Neuron
What cells detect changes inside and outside the body? Receptors
What part of the nervous system is made up of the brain and spinal cord? CNS (Central nervous system)
The electrical message that travels through the neuron is called what? Impulse
A quick involuntary response to a stimulus is a what? Reflex
What controls involuntary actions like breathing and heartbeat? Medulla
What comes from the spinal cord: about the diameter of the thumb? Nerves
What system sends electrical impulses? Nervous system
Which part of the brain has two hemispheres? Cerebrum
How long would all your nerves reach? 47 miles
Where does the impulse change to chemical? Synapse
What neurons are responsible for muscle movement? Motor neurons
What system controls body functions such as growth and sexual development? Endocrine system
Glucose is converted into what? Glycogen
What is the fight or flight hormone? Ephinephrine
What do feedback controls do? Turn endocrine glands on and off
What is a gland? A group of cells that messages chemicals for the body
Chemical messengers produced by the endocrine glands are called what? Hormones
What does the pancreas produce? Insulin
What is the central nervous system? Brain and spinal cord
What is the peripheral nervous system? All of the parts of the nervous system except for the brain and spinal cord
What includes the nerves? Peripheral nervous system
What acts as the control center for your body? Central nervous system
What includes your brain and spinal cord? Central nervous system
What connects all areas of your body to the brain and spinal cord? Peripheral nervous system
What are nerve cells specialized to receive and conduct electrical impulses? Neurons
What are electrical messages that may travel as fast as 150 m/s or as slow as 0.2 m/s called? Impulses
What allows the neuron to receive information? Dendrite
What's a long fiber that transmits information to other cells? Axon
What contains cell organelles and a nucleus? Cell body
What is the tip of each branch of an axon called? Axon terminal
What are specialized nerve endings on sensory neurons that detect changes inside and outside the body called? Receptors
What are neurons that send impulses from the brain and spinal cord to other systems called? Motor neurons
What do nerve cells not contain? Muscle fiber
What kind of neurons may nerves contain the axons of? Sensory and motor neurons
What are the two parts of the peripheral nervous system? Sensory and motor neurons
What part of the peripheral nervous system is composed of the somatic and autonomic nervous systems? Motor part
What is under your conscious control? Somatic nervous system
What controls digestion and heart rate? Autonomic nervous system
What is composed of sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems? Autonomic nervous sytem
What is used for writing, talking, and other voluntary movements? Somatic nervous system
What maintains a stable internal environment (homeostasis)? Autonomic nervous system
What is the largest organ of the central nervous system? Brain
Is digestion voluntary or involuntary? Involuntary
Is moving your arm voluntary or involuntary? Voluntary
Are body processes that happen automatically voluntary or involuntary? Involuntary
What are the three connected parts of the brain? Cerebrum, cerebellum, and medulla
Where are most memories stored? Cerebrum
What is the right hand controlled by? The left hemisphere of the cerebrum
Which part of the brain keeps track of your body's position? Cerebellum
What is your body's involuntary processes, such as heart rate, controlled by? Medulla
What is the spinal cord protected by? Vertebrate
What is the spinal cord made of? Neurons and axons
What do nerve fibers in your spinal cord allow your brain to communicate with? Peripheral nervous system
What might a spinal cord injury do? It may block all information to and from the brain
What is the possible effect of a spinal cord injury? It may block all sensory impulses from the feet and legs
What are two ways to help prevent spinal cord injuries? Wearing a seat belt and wearing proper safety equipment
What are the two main systems composed of two main branches in the nervous system? Central nervous system and peripheral nervous system
What is a cell of the nervous system called? Neuron
What are the three types of neurons? Sensory, motor, interneuron
What do sensory neurons do? Carry messages from the sense organs to the brain and spinal cord
What do motor neurons do? Carry messages from CNS to muscles and glands
What do interneurons do? Located in the CNS; they connect sensory and motor neurons
What is the somatic nervous system? Most of the neurons that are part of this nervous system are under your conscious control
What is the autonomic nervous system? Do not need your conscious control. Controls body functions that you don't think about, such as digestion, and heart rate
What is a nerve? A collection of axons bundled together with blood vessels and connective tissue
What is synapse? Must form the gap between the axon and the next structure; its tips must release chemicals called neurotransmitters that carry the impulse across the gap
What is the cerebrum? The largest part of the brain; controls voluntary muscles, thinking, learning, memory, and senses
What is the cerebellum? Coordinates muscle movement and balance
What is the medulla? It is the top of the brain stem; it controls automatic things like breathing, heartbeat, and involuntary muscles (digestion)
What is the pituitary gland? Secretes hormones that affect other glands and organs
What is the parathyroid gland? (Behind the thyroid) regulate calcium levels in the blood
What is the adrenal gland? Help the body respond to danger
What is the pancreas? Regulates blood glucose levels
What are ovaries? (In females) produce hormones needed for reproduction
What is the thyroid gland? Increases the rate at which you use energy
What is the thymus gland? Regulates the immune system, which helps your body fight disease
What is testes? (In males) an organ that produces male reproductive cells
Created by: 1962116900
Popular Science sets




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