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Renin/Angiotensinogen raises blood pressure
EPO glycoprotein hormone that controls RBC production
ADH stimulates kidneys to absorb water
Glucagon raises blood sugar levels
insulin decreases blood sugar levels
ANP reduces blood pressure;heart
aldosterone regulates Na+ reabsorption and K+ secretion by kidney;adrenal cortex
thyroxine accelerates metabolic rate in most tissue;secreted by thyroid gland
epinephrine adrenaline;adrenal medulla
cholecalciferol inactive form of vitamin D3; exposed to ultraviolet
Vitamin D promotes calcium absorption
oxytocin stimulates contraction of uterus during child birth
antagonistic hormone that opposes another hormone
synergistic hormone that amplifies another hormone
permissive hormone cannot work without other hormone
humoral hormone release caused by altered levels of certain ions or nutrients
neural hormone release caused by neural output
hormonal hormone release caused by another hormone
Graves's disease disorder resulting from hyperactive thyroid gland
diabetes disease caused by insufficient insulin release
cretinism caused by severe hypothyroidism
Cushing's disease caused by ACTH-releasing pituitary tumor
goiter enlarged protruding thyroid gland
bilirubin yellow pigment of bile
hemoglobin oxygen-transporting protein of erythrocytes
factor viii anti-hemophiliac factor
SA node sets the pace for the heart
AV node signal is 0.1 second behind
bundle of his conduct the impulses through the inter ventricular septum
purkinje fibers depolarize the cells of both ventricles
lacteal lymphatic capillaries of the small intestine that take up lipids
lymph nodes filters lymph; contains macrophages and lymphocytes
hydroxyurea drug to treat chronic leukemia
Sickle cell caused by abnormal hemoglobin
plasma fluid part of blood
bone marrow blood forming tissue within bone
erythrocytes red blood cells
antigens recognized as foreign to the immune system
antibodies binds to an antigen to destroy it
leukocytes white blood cells; immune response
platelets cell fragment found in blood
polycythemia abnormally high number of RBC
hemophilia hereditary bleeding disorder; blood does not clot properly
diapedesis the passage of blood cells through the intact walls of the capillaries, typically accompanying inflammation
artery carry blood away from the heart
arteriole minute artery
capillary smallest of blood vessels and the site of exchange between blood and tissue cells
venule a small vein
vein return blood to the heart
limbic system involved in emotion response and memory formation
hippocampus converts new info into long-term memories
amygdala center for emotional response; fear
ependymal cell CNS supporting cell; lines central cavities of brain and spinal cord
Schwann cell PNS supporting cell; produce myelin sheaths
oligodendrocytes CNS supporting cell; forms myelin sheaths
choroid plexus produces cerebrospinal fluid
ventricles function as major blood pumps in the heart; cavities in the brain
arachnoid villi weblike; middle layer of 3 meninges
olfactory sensory nerve for smell
optic sensory nerve of vision
oculomotor supplies muscles that control eye movement and raises upper eyelids
trochlear innervates the superior oblique eye muscle that runs through a pulley-like loop
trigeminal supplies motor nerves for chewing
abducens turns the eye laterally
facial innervates muscles of facial expression
glosso-pharyngeal innervates tongue and throat
vagus extends to throat and abdomen
accessory supplies motor fibers to trapezius and sternocleidomastoid muscles
vestibulo-cochlear sensory nerve for hearing and vision
thalamus distributes info to the right place
pineal(body) gland aware of light change
cerebellum center for coordination, balance, muscle tone, posture
medulla primitive brain region, control heartbeat, involuntary actions
pons works with medulla
hypothalamus center for many homeostats; constantly checking levels in the body
universal donor O negative
universal recipient AB
PDGF Platelet-derived growth factor is one of the numerous growth factors, or proteins that regulate cell growth and division
TTX potent neurotoxin
atropine helps keep your heart rate stable after a heart attack or during surgery
TRH stimulates the release of TSH and prolactin from the anterior pituitary
TSH stimulates the thyroid gland to produce thyroxine and then triiodothyronine which stimulates the metabolism of almost every tissue in the body
thyroxine responsible for regulation of metabolism
PNS connect the central nervous system to the limbs and organs
ANS control system that acts largely unconsciously and regulates bodily functions
CNS integrates information it receives from, and coordinates and influences the activity of, all parts of the bodies
Created by: careybarfield
Popular Biology sets




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