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odyssey questions
from the odyssey
Question | Answer |
aeaea | home of circe / the goddess |
alcinous | king of phaeacia |
calypso | beautiful numph goddess who keeps odysseus |
charybdis | female monster that makes a deadly whirlpool 3 times a day |
cicones | people living in the southwestern coast of thrace who battled Odysseus on his adventure |
circe | goddess who turns Odysseus men into swine |
cyclops | one eye monster |
erebus | dark area of the underworld where the dead arise |
eurylochus | a member of Odysseus loyal crew |
lotus eaters | people who feed Odysseus crew lotus plants to forget Ithica |
phaeacia | island kingdom ruled by alcinous |
polyphemus | sun of the sea god and blinded by odysous |
cyclopes | who live solitary lives as serperds |
scylla | female monster with six heads |
siens | sea mymphs |
teiresias | famous blind prophet |
thrinakia | island where the sun god keeps his cattle |
antinous | one of pinelipes main suitors |
eumaeus | one of Odysseus loyal servents |
eurycleia | odysseus old nurse |
eurymachus | suiter of penelope |
eurynome | penelopes housekeeper |
penelope | odyseouses wife |
pheiloeteus | one of oysseuses loyal servents |
telemachus | odyseouses son |
apollo | god of poetry |
athena | favorite daughter of zeus |
cronus | titan who ruled the univurse |
helios | sun god |
hephaestus | god of metalwork |
hermes | messenger god |
poseidon | sea god |
zues | the most powerful god |