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Animals Review

Invertebrates don't have Backbones
Characteristics of mammals include Warm blooded (endothermic), have hair or fur, live birth and ability to provide milk for babies
Characteristics of birds include Warm blooded (endothermic), hollow bones, wings, eggs with hard shells, beaks
Characteristics of amphibians include Smooth, moist skin through which they absorb oxygen, most have lungs, cold blooded (ectotherm)
Characteristics of reptiles include Dry, scaly skin, lungs, lays leathery eggs on land, cold-blooded (ectotherm)
Characteristic of fish include Gills, lateral lines used to sense environment, swim bladders to help them hover in water, cold-blooded (ectotherm)
Four types of birds Flightless, Water, Song, Birds of Prey
A mammal that develops inside its mother's body until its body systems can function independently. Ex: Humans Placental Mammals
Mammal that develops in a pouch. Ex: Kangaroo Marsupials
Mammals that lay eggs. Ex: Duck-billed platypus Monotremes
Most fish are in this category Bony Fish - Grouper, bass, catfish, etc.
An example of a cartilaginous fish Shark
Snakes, lizards and turtles are Reptiles
Frogs, toads and salamanders are Amphibians
Simplest of all invertebrates Sponges
Simple tube shaped bodies belong to Worms
Three types of worms Flat, round and segmented
Three groups of mollusks are Bivalves, Gastropods and Cephalopods
Clams, mussels, oysters and scallops are Bivalves - Mollusks
Snails and slugs are Gastropods - Mollusks
Squid, octopus, chambered nautilus are Cephalopods - Mollusks
All cnidarians have Central opening surrounded by tentacles
Jellyfish, corals, and sea anemones are Cnidarians
Spiny skinned animals are Echinoderms
Starfish, sea urchins, sea cucumbers and sand dollars are Echinoderms
Three groups of arthropods are Insects, arachnids and crustaceans
Beetles, butterflies and ants are Insects - Arthropods
Two main characteristics of insects Three body segments and six legs
Spiders, ticks and mites are Arachnids - Arthropods
Two main characteristics of arachnids are Two body segments and eight legs
Lobster, shrimp and crabs are Crustaceans - Arthropods
Opening through which water enters the aboral side of the starfish Madreporite
Top side of starfish Aboral or Dorsal
Bottom side of starfish (mouth side) Oral or Ventral
Starfish move by Tube Feet
What is different about a starfish's digestive system? It has two stomachs
The only group of invertebrates to have a brain is Cephalopods - Mollusk
Jellyfish Cnidarian
Sea Urchin Echinderm
Scorpion Arachnids - Arthopods
Grasshopper Insect - Arthropods
Sand Dollar Echinoderm
Coral Reef Cnidarians
Crawfish Crustacean - Arthopods
Spider Arachnid - Arthopods
Sea Anemone Cnidarians
Earthworm Worms
Oyster Bivalves - Mollusk
Scallops Bivalves - Mollusk
Conches Gastropods - Mollusk
Chambered Nautilus Cephalopod - Mollusk
Squid Cephalopod - Mollusk
Roundworm Worm
Which doesn't belong? Starfish, Catfish, Goldfish Starfish - Echinoderm/Invertebrate Catfish/Goldfish are Fish/Vertebrates
Which doesn't belong? Seahorse, Shark, Clam Clam - Bivalves/Mollusk/Invertebrate Shark/Seahorse - Fish/Vertebrates
Which doesn't belong? Cat, Kangaroo, Opossum Cat - Placental Mammal Kangaroo/Opossum - Marsupial Mammals
Which doesn't belong? Dolphin, Human, Whale Shark Whale Shark - Fish/Vertebrates Human/Dolphin - Mammals/Vertebrates
Do they all belong? Ostrich, penguin and peacock Yes - All flightless birds
Which doesn't belong? Hawk, Buzzard, Eagle Buzzard - Scavenger/Vertebrate Hawk/Eagle - Birds of Prey/Vertebrates
Created by: connie.hambey
Popular Biology sets




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