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Chinese Book 4 Lesson 4

對白 Duìbái N: Dialogue (in a film or a play)
pāi V: to shoot a film, to take a picture; to clap, beat, pat
盜版 Dàobǎn N/V: illegal copy, pirate copy, piracy/to pirate copy
原版 yuánbǎn N: the original edition (of a book, etc.)
bǎn M: printing block or plate, edition; the page (number) of a newspaper
出版 chūbǎn vo: to publish, to issue, to print
電影院 diànyǐngyuàn N: cinema, movie theater, movie house (M: 家)
難得 nándé A: Rarely, seldom
賣座 Màizuò SV/N: to draw large audiences (for a performance)/ box office success
結局 jiéjú N: final result, outcome, conclusion
南主角 nán zhǔjiǎo N: leading actor
女主角 nǚ zhǔjiǎo N: Leading actress
主角 zhǔjiǎo N: leading role
配角 pèijiǎo N: supporting role, minor role
角色 juésè n: role, character, part (in a play, movie)
可憐 kělián sv/v: to be pitiful, to be deserving of compassion or sympathy / to take pitty on, be merciful to
導演 Dǎoyǎn N/V: director/ to direct
真實 zhēnshí sv: to be true, real, authentic
演技 yǎnjì N: acting skill
得獎 dé jiǎng vo: to win a prize, to place in a competition
演員 yǎnyuán N: actor or actress
最佳 zuì jiā at: the best, the superlative, top
果然 guǒrán a: as expected, sure enough
感動 gǎndòng sv/v: to be moving, touching/ to move, to stimulate (emotionally)
悲劇 Bēijù N: tragedy
喜劇 xǐjù N: comedy
掉眼淚 diào yǎnlèi vo: to cry, shed tears
diào v: to fall, to drop, to lose
眼淚 yǎnlèi N: tears
同情 tóngqíng n/v: sympathy/ to sympathize with, show sympathy for
同情心 tóngqíng xīn N: compassion, sympathy
遭遇 zāoyù n/v: unhappy experiences/ to meet with, to encounter (used for unhappy circumstances)
何必 Hébì A: why? (rhetorical question meaning "there is no need to")
認真 rènzhēn sv/a: to be conscientious, earnest, serious, seriously, earnestly
主題曲 zhǔtí qū n: theme music
字幕 zìmù n: caption, subtitle
家常菜 jiācháng cài N: home-cooking
suǒ v/n: to lock/ lock
隨身碟 suíshēn dié n: flash disk
支票 Zhīpiào n: check (m: 張)
旅行支票 lǚxíng zhīpiào n: traveler's check
馬馬虎虎 mǎmǎhǔhǔ IE: not very good, barely acceptable; careless
馬虎 mǎhǔ sv: to be careless, imprecise
動畫 dònghuà n: anime; animation
聚餐 jùcān vo: to gather together and share a meal together
jù v: to assemble, to gather together
無所謂 wúsuǒwèi IE/SV: it does not matter, it makes no difference one way or the other (for personal opinions)
攝影 Shèyǐng n/v: cinematography, photography/ to photograph
攝影師 shèyǐng shī n: photographer
曉得 xiǎodé v: to know
片名 piàn míng n: title of a motion picture
糟糕 zāogāo IE/SV: a terrible mess! too bad!, oh no!
zāo sv: to be in a wretched state, in a mess
記性 jì xìng n: memory
文藝(愛情)片 wényì (àiqíng) piàn n: an artistic (or love story) movie
愛情 àiqíng n: love, romance
社會寫實片 Shèhuì xiěshí piàn N: motion picture realistically depicting society
寫實 xiěshí sv: to be written or painted realistically
偵探片 zhēntàn piàn n: detective movie
偵探 zhēntàn n: detective
恐怖 kǒngbù sv: to be terrifying
科幻片 kēhuàn piān n: science fiction film
奇幻片 qíhuàn piān n: fantasy film
動作片 dòngzuò piàn n: action film
限制級 xiànzhì jí at: restricted (movie), rating for movies restricted to adults
恐怖片 kǒngbù piàn n: horror film
限制 Xiànzhì v/n: to restrict, limit/restriction, limitation
jí M: for grading, rank, degree of merit, grade in school
分級 fēnjí vo: to classify, to rate, to grade
輔導級 fǔdǎo jí at: rating for restricted movies which allows children over 12 to attend if accompanies by an adult.
輔導 fǔdǎo v/n: to guide, counsel, lead, facilitate/guidance, counseling.
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