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GCSE Music

AoS3 Texture & Melody

Conjunct melody A melody that rises and falls by step with only small leaps/intervals.
Disjunct melody A melody that rises and falls quickly with large intervals between melody notes.
Triadic melodies a melody that uses intervals based around the chord triad.
Scalic melodies Same as conjunct. Melody moves by small steps.
Sequence A pattern of notes repeated either at a higher or lower pitch.
Rising sequence A melodic pattern that repeats with the start note higher each repetition.
Falling sequence A melodic pattern that repeats with the start note lower each repetition
Imitation A phrase thats repeated by another instrument, or at a different octave
Inversion The melody line is flipped over, the intervals are kept but in mirror form.
Ostinato A repeating melodic or drum pattern that stays the same.
Riff A repeating melodic pattern that stays the same.
Trill Fast changing between 2 notes side by side
Mordents Upper or lower; a quick change between 2 notes eg. CDC (upper) or CBC (lower)
Turns The melody note is decorated. If the note is 'C' then the decoration might quickly go 'c d c b c___'
Passing notes A note that appears on the 'off' beat between 2 notes 'on' the beat.
Acciacatura 'Crush note' - A little note that appears BEFORE the beat of the note actually written
Appogiatura 'Extra note' played ON the beat of the written note. Often given 1/2 the value of the note written.
Texture Layers of sound made by combining different instruments together, or adding extra notes to a part.
Monophonic 'One Sound' A single line of melody.
Homophonic 'Move Together' A block of chords that move at the same time. All instruments or voices play the same rhythm at the same time.
Polyphonic 'Many Sounds' Several melody lines weave together to form the chord structure heard.
Antiphonal 'Taking Turns' Where the music is passed from SIDE to SIDE between singers or groups of instruments.
Melody & Accompaniment Think of a singer playing a piano or guitar at the same time.
Drone A continuous sound, normally made by 2 notes a fifth apart.
Created by: kipple
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