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KS3 classification

What are Eukaryote? Cells that have a nucleus.
What are Prokaryote? Cells that do not have a nucleus.
What are Heterotroph? Organisms that can not make their own food.
What are Autotrophs? Organisms that can make their own food by photosynthesis.
What is a Unicellular organism? Organisms that are made up of only one cell, microscopic.
What are Multicellular organisms? Organisms that are made up of more than one cell.
What is Classification? The grouping of living things according to similar characteristics.
What is Taxonomy? The science of classification
What is Binomial Nomenclature? The naming system developed by Linnaeus where each organism is given two names, Genus and Species.
What is a Genus? Closely related organisms.
What is a Species? A group of organisms that can interbreed and produce fertile young.
What are the 7 classification levels? Kingdoms, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus & Species
What are the 5 Kingdoms? Animals, Plants, Fungi, Protists and Prokaryotes
Which organisms are multicellular and autotrophic? plants
Which organisms are multicellular and heterotrophic? animals
Which organisms are multicellular and saprophytic? fungi
Which organisms are unicellular and have a nucleus? prototicsta
Which organisms are unicellular and have NO nucleus? prokaryotes
Which of the following groups would contain the largest number of organisms? Class – order – phylum - family phylum
What information is in a binomial name? A scientific name contains information about its genus and species
What do plants and animals have in common? both are multicellular
If two organisms are in the same phylum, they must also be in the same ...? Kingdom
What is a dichotomous key used for? identify an organism
Which group(s) of vertebrates use gills to breathe? fish
Which group(s) of vertebrates have lungs, but also breathe through skin? Amphibians
Which group(s) of vertebrates have moist scales and fins? Fish
Which group(s) of vertebrates are oviparous? Birds, fish, amphibians, reptiles
Which group(s) of vertebratess are poikilotherms? Fish, Reptiles and Amphibians
What are the five classes of vertebrates? Fish, Amphibians, Reptiles, Birds, Mammals
Which group(s) of vertebrates are homeotherms? Mammals, Birds
Which group(s) of vertebrates is viviparous? mammals
Which group(s) of vertebrates have scales? reptiles and fish
Which group(s) of vertebrates have thin, moist, and smooth skin? amphibians
Which group(s) of vertebrates have dry scales? reptiles
Which group(s) of vertebrates have hair or fur? mammals
Which group(s) of vertebrates' mothers produce milk for young? mammals
Which group(s) of vertebrates lay eggs with soft shell and go through metaphorphic stage? amphibians
What is a vertebrate Animal with a backbone
What is a virus A particle that can enter and then infect cells and cause the cells to make copies of that virus, such as the influenza virus
What is viviparous Mother gives birth to live young, as in mammals
Viruses are not classified into any of the five kingdoms. Suggest reasons for this. viruses are non-living (1) viruses are not made up of cells (1) viruses do not possess any cell organelles (1) viruses rely upon a host to exist (1)
What is the name of the name of the offspring of two DIFFERENT species? hybrid
Why is it difficult to classify living things some living things like platypus or euglena may show characteristics of many different groups
What does Oviparous mean? Offspring develop in eggs, as in birds
what is a homeotherm? An animal that keeps its body temperature more constant than the surroundings, and often warmer, by releasing heat from reactions in the body
Created by: ursulinebio
Popular Biology sets




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