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Ed Psych 301 Exam 1


Consolidation process of stabilizing and strengthening neural (synaptic) connections
Synaptogenesis Formation of new synapses
Neurogenesis Formation of new neurons
Differentiation Specialization of neurons for a particular function
Synaptic Pruning Elimination of synapses that aren't used
Neuroplasticity Ability to reorganize throughout life due to new situations or environmental changes
Principles Identify factors that influence learning and describe the specific effects that these factors have
Theories Provide explanations about underlying mechanisms involved in learning
Behaviorism aims to take the ___ out of the study of behavior subjectivity
The same ____ can be explained by different _____ principle; theories
All behavior is developed through ____ (behaviorist perspective) conditioning
Equipotentiality Animals and humans learn the same way
Tabula rasa is assoicated with what theory? Behaviorism
Generalization When learned behaviors are produced in response to too many stimuli (Little Albert)
Discrimination When a learner figures out that only certain stimuli should trigger certain responses
Extinction When you cease to exhibit a response
Schedules of reinforcement Different strategies for how often to reinforce a behavior
Continuous Reinforcement Giving reward every time a behavior is preformed
Intermittent Reinforcement reinforcement given in intervals/ratios
Behaviorism main theorist Pavlov
Conditioning Forming associations between stimuli and response
Operant Conditioning Concerned with the effects of CONSEQUENCES on behaviors- only voluntary responses
Social Cognitive Theory Focuses on COGNITIVE PROCESSES (change in behavior doesn't have to occur for learning to be present)
Triadic Reciprocality Relationship between person, behavior, environment
Enactive Learning Learning through experience
Vicarious Learning Learning through observation
Latent Learning When a behavior that is learned does not appear until a later time
Obserational learning Behavior happens after modeling that would have 0% chance of occuring without modeling
Operant Conditioning: reinforcement and punishment Consequence influences learning of the behavior it follows
Social cognitive theory: reinforcement The expectation of a possible future consequence influences the learning of a behavior it precedes
Cognitive modeling Modeling that involves explanation beyond just demonstration: explaining in depth how to do something and why
Constructivism Individuals construct what they know and understand
Individual Constructivism theoriest Piaget
Piaget proposed universal, qualitatively distinct _____ stages
Schemes cubby hole
Assmiliation When we encounter information in our environment that makes sense to us, fits in cubby hole
Accomodation When we encounter information in our environment that doesn't make sense, we are forced to alter a cubby hole or build a new one
____ is one of the most important cognitive tools Language
Internalization talking out loud ----> thinking silently
Private speech internalization of language during activity
Appropriation transforming incoming information and making it your own
Zone of Proximal Development Distance between actual developmental level and potential developmental level
Intersubjectivity Shared understanding or a goal
Conceptual Change learning that involves changing an existing conception
Concepts Sets of objects, symbols, or events that share common characteristics and/or critical attributes
Created by: Knikles
Popular Psychology sets




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