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Chapter 4


Development the orderly set of changes in the life span
Theory organize the facts so that we can understand what we see.
Maturation the process of growth.
Nature/Nurture Nature refers to the belief that it is a persons genetic inherent character that determines development. Nurture applies to the notion that it is the sum total of experiences and the environment that determine development.
Unconscious without awareness
Psychosexual Freud's theory of development that outlines the process by which energy is expressed through different erogenous parts of the body during different stages of development.
Psychosocial stages through which each person passes, each stage growing form the the previous ones.
Classical Conditioning form of learning in which one stimulus is repeatedly paired with another so that the second one brings forth a response.
stimulus-response the kind of psychological learning, first characterized in the behaviors theory of Pavlov, that takes place when paring something that rousts or incites an activity with activity itself
Operant conditioning focuses attention on the response rather then the stimulus and concentrates on what can be used to increase a behavior.
reinforcements a procedure, such as a reward of punishment, that changes a response to a stimulus; the act of encouraging a behavior to increase in frequency.
Social cognition Brandura's theory about learning that emphasizes the cognitive processes of observational learning.
Socialization the process of learning the rules and behaviors expected when in situations with others
Modeling when children do what they see they observe.
Observational learning the things children do when they observe and look at what you do
Constructivist a model of learning developed from the principles of children thinking by Piaget
Assimilation a concept in Piaget's cognitive theory as one of two processes people use to learn and incorporate new information
Created by: latanya.reyna
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