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PARCC Vocabulary

Vocabulary terms for reading

analyze to break down something into its basic parts
identify to recognize (find) a particular piece of information
describe to tell or show with written or spoken words the facts or details
summarize to state in concise form the essential(main) components(parts) in chronological order
support to back up, justify with evidence(facts)
compare examine & state what is the same, or note likenesses of two or more items
contrast examine & state the differences in two or more items
determine to decide or conclude through reasoning or observation
narrative a sequence of events, or experiences, either true or fictitious
explicit clear facts or meaning, leaving no room for interpretation
evidence something that proves or disproves; facts
figurative language figures of speech; not literal; expand meaning
infer to deduce or conclude by reasoning, to guess or figure out from evidence
main idea/central idea the author's most important idea
theme a unifying or dominant (big) idea
structure the relationship of component (important) parts
key details or details the specifies that are explicitly written in a text that support or expand the main idea
claim or claims to assert (state) as fact
meaning the significance (importance) of something
story the plot or succession of incidents (events) of a novel, poem, drama etc.
context the set of circumstances or facts that surround a particular event or situation
cite to quote specifically from text or event, recall
evaluate to make a judgement based on evidence, to set a value on
assess to measure, to determine the amount of
demonstrate to describe, explain, display, or illustrate through examples
explain to make clear or understandable to others; make plain
develop expand, elaborate; add details
argument a reason or set of reasons that something is true
conclusion summing up of an argument or text
connections relating what you read to something else you know
metaphor a direct comparison of two unlike objects
articulate to express clearly
suggest to put forth; say or tell
alliteration words in a row with the same initial beginning sound
stanza a poetry term for a paragraph or section of the poem
tone the way the author feels about the subject he/she is writing about
paraphrase to restate in your own words
text features items in a nonfiction story that help readers better understand information such as illustrations, graphs, captions, and bold print
plot the sequence of events in a story
connotation a feeling that a word suggests, usually positive or negative
denotation the dictionary meaning of a word
mood the way the story makes the reader feel
point of view the perspective from which a story is told
simile a direct comparison of two things using the words like or as
analogy a similarity between like features of two things
Created by: Anderson11
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