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Environment Science

Chapter 1-5 Quiz

Environment Circumstances or conditions that surround an organism or a group of organisms as well as the complex of social or cultural conditions that affect an individual.
Environmental Science The systematic study of our environment and our place in it.
Sustainability A search for ecological stability and human progress that can last over time. "Happy Medium"
Sustainable Development Meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of the future generation to meet their own needs.
What is your environment Where you live, go to school, and just live your life.
Difference between environmental science and environmentalists? They have separate goals. Environmentalists work to influence attitudes and policies toward our environment.
What must be true for sustainable development to endure? Resources must be available to everybody and they must be equal.
Observation Facts gathered using five senses
Hypothesis Educated guess based on observations
Experiment The testing of the hypothesis
Date Facts gathered during the experiment
Interpreting the results Logical conclusions backed by data
Producers They create carbohydrates and other compounds using just sunlight, air, and water. Example: Elm Tree, Fern, and other "green plants"
Photosynthesis The process of CO2 and H20 to make food and oxygen. Example: Plants
Cellular Respiration Animals eat plans and take in oxygen to produce CO2 and H2O.
Species A group of living organisms consisting of similar individuals capable of breeding. Example: Humans and Mammals
Population Consists of all the members of a species living in a give area at the same time.
Biological community All the population of organisms living and interacting in a particular area. Examples: Mosquitoes, squirrels, and birds.
Ecosystem All the population of organisms living and interacting in a particular area. Example: Everglades
Food Web Individual food chains become interconnected to form web.
Consumer Must eat their food, cannot 'make' their own food.
How is the sun the ultimate source of energy? Because all the food webs start with producers and the sun is a producer.
Carnivores Flesh eaters. Example: Lions, wolves, cats, dogs
Herbivore Plant eaters. Example: rabbits, mice, and elephants
Omnivore Eats both plants and flesh. Example: Humans, bears, and bats
Decomposer Fungi and bacter. Complete the final breakdown and recycling of organic materials. Example: Ants and beetles
Hydrologic Cycle The path that water passes from the atmosphere to the land and back.
Why is water so important to our environment? Because we need it for everything.
Carbon Cycle The process by which carbon is converted in the environment, from the atmosphere to land and back again.
What are the 2 purposes of carbon for organisms? It's our food and structure. (Bones, DNA, and Food)
Adaptation The genetic acquisition of traits that allow a species to survive in its environment.
What is the difference between adaptation and acclimation? Give an example. The difference is that acclimation cannot be given to future generations Tanning in the summer.
Natural Selection Process of the fittest individuals surviving to pass their genetic traits to the next generation.
Give and example of Natural Selection White mice passing on their white fur to their offspring.
Critical Factor The single factor in shortest supply relative to demand.
Give an example of a Critical Factor The giant saguaro cactus cannot live in cold temperatures, because it will die.
Tolerance Limits Each environmental factor has both minimum and maximum beyond which a particular species cannot survive.
How are tolerance limits and critical factors difference? Because with a critical factor it actually limits where you can live.
Habitat Describes a set of environmental conditions in which a particular organism lives.
Ecological Niche Both the role played by a species in a biological community and the habitat.
Endemic Species A species that occur only in one area.
How is an ecological niche different from a habitat? It is different because it is more functional than a habitat, and describes both the role played and set of environmental factors.
Give an example of an endemic species in it's habitat. A giant panda in the mountainous bamboo forests of South Western China.
Native Species An organism that is living in an area for entirely natural reasons without human intervention.
Keystone Species Plays a critical role in a biological community.
Diversity The number of species in the area
Why is diversity important? Because it indicates how many different types of ecological niches and genetic variations there are in a community.
Abundance Number of actual individuals in an area.
How are abundance and diversity related? They are opposites. If diversity is up abundance is down.
Competition A struggle that occurs between same or different species when there is not enough resources for all.
Name 3 things that species compete for Food, Mates, and Habitat
3 factors that limit where a species can live Physiological, competition, and predation
Physiological Stress that is due to abnormally high levels of some critical environmental factors such as: moisture, light, temperature, pH, or other specific nutrients.
Predation Which includes parasites and other diseases.
Carrying capacity Maximum number of individuals earth can support.
Ecological footprint How much Earth we use based on our lifestyle.
Zero Population Growth Occurs when births plus immigration in a population just equal deaths plus emigration.
What is ecological debt? The use of more resources than Earth can sustain.
Current ecological debt? One-third more than Earth can sustain for a long period of time.
What are the 3 different perspectives on population growth Overpopulation, human ingenuity, technology, and enterprise, and there is enough resources for all.
Major event in human history that triggered the most population growth? Industrial revolution
Biome Biological communities with environments that occur in different conditions of temperature. Vary with latitude.
How many different terrestrial (Land) biomes are there on Earth? 9
Biodiversity The number and variety of species.
Why is biodiversity considered good? Because it helps maintain stability, or it can help a system recover from a disturbance.
Is there a time when Biodiversity could be considered bad? It could be considered bad because if there is too much diversity there could be too much competition.
Invasive Species Organisms that thrive in new territory where they are free of predators, diseases, or resource limitations.
3 kinds of biodiversity that are essential to preserve ecological systems and function? Genetic diversity, species diversity, and ecological diversity
Genetic diversity The variety of DNA with in individual species.
Species diversity The number of difference kinds of organisms with in community.
Ecological diversity The complexity of a biological community.
Created by: rorossonera
Popular Science sets




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