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Vitals/GS/IV Therapy

Vitals,General Survey, IV therapy

The width of the bladder of a BP cuff should equal...? 40% of the circumference of patient's arm
What is the purpose of a palpable BP? To determine target BP/unable to hear during routine BP check/low BP, unable to assess via stethoscope
What is a normal O2 range? 92%-100%
What factors may affect BP? Age, sex, weight, exercise, emotions, stress
What are the 4 characteristics of pulse? Rate, Rhythm, Symmetry & Strength (also called amplitude)
How can a pulse rhythm be classified? Regular or irregular
Name two common causes of visceral pain. pancreatic cancer, metastases in the abdomen (less severe; cramping,etc)
What is the most common form of pain? Visceral pain
What causes visceral pain? Activation of pain receptors d/t infiltration, compression, extension or stretching of the viscera
What causes somatic pain? Activation of pain receptors in either the cutaneous or deep tissues
What is deep somatic pain? Pain in the musculoskeletal tissues
What is PQRST? Pain assessment: Point/location,Quality/Quantity,Radiation,Scale,Timing
What is the normal range of respirations for a neonate? A 1 year old? 30-40 breaths per minute/ 20-40 breaths per minute
What is the normal range of respirations for an adult? 12-20 breaths per minute
What is the normal range of respirations for a 2 year old? 25-32 breaths per minute
What is the normal range of respirations for a school age kid?What about a 12-14 year old? 20-26 breaths per minute/18-22 breaths per minute
What is tachypnea? Rapid respirations
What is bradypnea? slow rate of respirations
What is considered prehypertension? 120-139/80-89
What is a normal BP for an adult? <120/<80
What is considered hypertension stage 1? 140-159/90-99
What is considered hypertension stage 2? 160 and up/100 and up
What is the average pulse rate for a newborn? 100 to 170
What is the average pulse rate for a 1 year? 80 to160
What is the average pulse rate for 3yr? 80 to 120
What is the average pulse rate for 6 year old? 10 year old? 70 to 115/ 70 to110
What is the average pulse rate for a 14 year old? An adult? 60 to 110/ 60 to 100
Cheyne-Stokes Cycle in which respirations gradually wax and wane in a regular pattern with patterns apnea alternating the cycle. Seen in heart failure, renal failure, meningitis, OD, increased ICP. Normal in infants and eldery during sleep.
Diurnal rhythm daily cycle of peak and trough-BP climbs to high late afternoon, declines to early morning low
How is the amplitude of a pulse graded? 0-absent 1+ - weak and thread 2+ - normal 3+ Full and bounding (abnormal)
What sort of solution is a LR? Isotonic
How many drips per minute for micro tubing? 60 drips per minute
How many drips per minute for macro tubing? 10,15 OR 20 drips per minute
What are 3 examples of hypertonic solutions? D5 1/2 NS, D5 1/3 NS, D5 LR
What solutions is isotonic on the shelf but hypotonic once administered? Why? D5W because the sugar is metabolized right away, and then it's just water.
What is 1/2 NS- Hypotonic, Isotonic or Hypertonic? Hypotonic
Hypertonic solutions shrinks cells and causes blood vessels to expand greatly, T or F True
Hypotonic solutions shrink cells and cause blood vessels to expand greatly, T or F False- they cause cells to expand and shrink vessels
What solution is used to treat dehydration? LR- lactated ringers
Which patients should not be given hypertonic solutions? DKA (dextrose), impaired heart or kidney function(fluid overload)
Which patients should not be given hypotonic solutions? Nuero pts- at risk for increased ICP d/t CVA, head trauma, neurosurgery or pts w third spacing issues (burns, trauma, malnutrition, liver disease)
Which patients should not be given LR? Liver disease- their liver can't metabolize the lactate
Which solution promotes diuresis, provides calories and sodium chloride, corrects excessive fluid loss and prevents alkalosis? Hypertonic
What are hypotonic solutions used for? preventing dehydration, preventing and treating ketosis, supply free water, promote sodium diuresis
What are signs of phlebitis? IV site warm to touch, reddened/red streaks. Signs of infection.
What are signs of infiltration? IV site cool to touch, pale
What are signs of dehydration? Dry skin, sunken eyes, poor skin turgor, decreased output, confusion, dry mucous membranes
What are signs of fluid overload? altered LOC, distended neck veins, crackles in lungs, periorbital edema
What do TPN, NTG, Insulin, cardiac titrated drugs and PCA have in common? They CANNOT be run by gravity. MUST USE PUMP.
Which products require a second RN to double check? Blood products, insulins, heparin, PCA
Created by: serenaz
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