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voltmeter measures the electric potential between two points in a ciruit
wall outlet Brings electrical energy in from the community power supply
switch Can be opened to stop current flow or closed to allow current to flow
resistor A device that slows down the flow of electrons in conductors
motor Converts electrical energy into motion
light bulb Converts electrical energy into light and heat
ground Connects the circuit to the earth
fuse Prevents too much current from flowing through the circuit
cell Source of current. Long bar represents the positive terminal.
battery One,two or more cells joined together. This _______ is made up of 3 cells.
ammeter Measures the amount of electric current flowing in a circuit.
Like charges Charges that will repel
Unlike charge Charges that will attract
Static electricity The buildup of charges on an object which do not flow
Friction The transfer of electrons from one object to another by rubbing
Conduction The tranfer of electrons from one object to another by direct contact
Law of conservation of charge Electrons are not created or destroyed they are only transferred from one location to another
Static cling Static electricity that causes clothes to stick together and is what enables plastic wrap to cling
Static discharge The loss of static electricity as electric charges move off an object
Lightning a discharge of static electricity between clouds and the earth
Pith Ball A ball on a string used to detect static charge
Potential difference The difference in electrical potential between two places which pushes charge through a circuit
Voltage Another name for the potential difference, measured by a voltmeter
Volt The unit of measure for the potential difference
Batteries and generators Voltage sources
Resistance The opposition to the movement of electric charges flowing through a material
Ammeter An instrument used to measure current
Amps The unit used to measure current
Ohm's Law This Law states that resistance is equal to the voltage divided by the current
Series circuit An electric circuit with a single path
Parallel circuit An electric circuit with multiple paths
Short circuit An unintended path that allows current to follow a low resistance causing large current.
Conductor A material through which electrons move freely, forming an electric current
Electric circuit A complete path through which electric charges can flow
Electric current The flow of electric charges through a material
Grounded Allowing charges to flow directly from the circuit to the ground connection
Insulator A material through which the charges of an electric current are not able to move
Third prong of an appliance plug Part of a plug which connects the metal shell of an appliance to the safety grounding wire of a building
Van de Graaff generator a device which produces static electricity using a rubberband like belt
Lightning rod A metal rod mounted on the roof of a building in order to protect a building
circuit breaker A reusable device added to a circuit to prevent overheating
Ohm The unit of measure for resistance
electricity form of energy which can travel along conductors
charged particles particles that carry electricity
matter either solid, liquid or gas, that which has mass and occupies space
atoms extremely small particles which all matter is made up of
electrons negatively charged particles which orbit the nucleus of an atom
neutrons neutrally charged particles which are contained in the nucleus of the atom
protons positively charged particles which are contained in the nucleus of the atom
nucleus central core of an atom containing protons and neutrons
conductors objects that electricity is allowed to pass through
insulators objects that do not allow electrons to travel through
negatively charged objects that have gained electrons making them... _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
positively charged objects that have lost electrons making them _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
circuit complete conducting loop where all components are linked together
free electrons electrons which are able to to transfer through a substance
circuit diagram simple way of drawing electrical circuits
terminal point of attachment for wires to a battery or meter
current the flow of electrons around a conducting circuit
power source an item such as a battery, electric supply or the wall socket
components objects which are part of an electrical circuit, lamp, battery, resistor etc
load object which converts electrical energy into other forms
alternating current current that keeps changing direction
direct current current which travels in one direction only
volt unit of voltage gain or loss
ammeter meter used to measure the size of a current
voltmeter meter used to measure the gain or loss of voltage
fuse a thin wire which melts if the current is too large, not reusable
resistance property which makes it hard for electrons to pass
resistor a component used to limit the current in a branch/part of a circuit
voltage the amount of push on the charge in a circuit (or energy per unit charge)
power total amount of energy supplied or used per second
watt unit of power
What happens when you heat a substance? The particles receive more energy and are able to move faster
We use energy in many ways. Cooking food, lighting homes, etc. Energy always changes from one form to another and some always changes into ________ energy. heat energy
Give an example of wasted energy. When turning on a lamp, it produces light and heat. The heat energy is wasted energy.
Many substances are burned to release their chemical energy to provide heat and light. They are called fuels. Name at least 3. wood, coal, gas, charcoal, oil, diesel oil, petrol, natural gas, and wax
Give two examples of things that contain chemical stored energy. food & fuels
Name three alternative sources of electric energy to fossil fuels. geothermal energy, wind power, solar power, hydroelectricity
Nonrenewable Energy Source energy source that cannot be restored for human use, such as fossil fuels
Renewable Energy Source energy source that is being replenished, even as it is being consumed- solar energy, geothermal energy, wind energy, and hydropower are examples
Geothermal Energy energy derived from heat under the Earth's surface
Hydropower energy from falling or moving water
Created by: douglal
Popular Science sets




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