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science midterm

ugh i want to finish this NOW!

solid matter with definite shape and volume molecules are tightly compacted together very little kinetic energy
liquid matter with definite volume but definite shape molecules are spread out more kinetic energy
gas matter with no definite shape or volume molecules are spread out most kinetic energy
plasma most common state in the universe
composition elements combine to form a compound
decomposition compounds break down into elements
law of conservation of mass matter is neither created nor destroyed through any chemical reaction
oxidation a chemical change which oxygen reacts with a substance
corrosion a chemical reaction where oxygen reacts with a metal
rapid oxidation form of oxidation that occurs quickly
synfuel synthetic or man made fuels put together by other substances
nuclear reaction a reaction where the nuclei or nucleus of an atom is changed giving of tremendous amounts of energy
radioactive elements elements whose nucleus naturally break down
gamma rays form of energy that you cannot see or feel but can pass through many materials
radiation harmful particles of gamma rays given off by radio active particles
nuclear fission large nuclei split apart to generate large amounts of energy
nuclear reactor device that controls a nuclear reaction
core controls the fuel
control rods controls speed of reaction
liquid carries away heat
sheilding stops radiation from getting out
nuclear power plant uses heat released in a nuclear reaction in the form of steam to create electricity
nuclear fusion small nuclei come together to form a larger nucleus
matter any thing that takes up space and has mass
model a mental picture or figure
proton a particle with positive charge
electron a particle with negative charge
neutron a particle with neutral charge
Bhor model the planetary model of an atom
electron cloud model model where the electrons move in all directions
elements made of one kind of atom
periodic table a table that contains info about the elements
family a group of elements that have similar characteristics
metals shiny can be shaped good conductors of electricity
non metals not shiny cannot be shaped not good conductors of electricity
semi metals shares properties of metals and non metals
noble gases don't combine easily with other elements
energy level the number of electrons in each level of an element
compound substances formed when two or more elements combine chemically
chemical bonds forces that hold atoms together in a compound
ion atoms that have lost or gained an electron
molecule particle formed by share of electrons
formula a group of symbols that represent elements in a compound
chemical symbols a letter that stands for a name of a element
organic compounds compounds that contain carbon
organisms any living thing
hydrocarbon a compound made of ONLY hydrogen and carbon
polymer an organic compound made of a chain of carbon atoms
monomer part of a polymer
indicator a dye that changes color when mixed with an acid or base
acid turns blue litmus red and has a pH of 0-6
base turns blue litmus to red and has a pH of 8-14
strong acids pH of 1-3
weak acids pH of 4-6
strong base pH of 11-14
weak base pH of 8-10
salts formed when a acid is mixed with a base
neutralization when a acid mixes with a base and forms salt or water
Created by: mestarpop
Popular Science sets




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