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Oceanography Test 1

Oceanography Test 1 study guide

Oceans influence what weather and climate
Important marine resources food, oxygen, and natural resources
Have humans seen much of the ocean? no, very little
Human effects on the oceans include depleted fisheries, loss of marine environment, and pollution
recording and describing ocean processes and contents Oceanography
biological and physical oceanography 2 of the 4 main branches of oceanography
Uses processes of science to find answers Scientist
Has made true exploration of the oceans possible technology
A body of knowledge an an organized method Science
Has improved and threatened human and other organism's lives Science and Technology
The most logical action society can take about the effects of science and technology Prioritize the consequences to the environment in applying technologies
Scientific process skills include ID problem and predict outcomes, construct models, compare observations
A hypothesis is... Educated, scientific guess that you can test
A Theory is? a scientific explanation with supporting evidence
Polar molecule has a positive and negative charged end
What is a Solution? 2 or more substances with evenly dispersed molecules
Salinity inorganic dissolved solids in seawater
Seawater's colligative properties characteristics caused by the dissolved solids in seawater
Principle of constant proportions Regardless of the salinity of seawater, the proportion of inorganic dissolved solids remains the same relative to each other.
Besides hydrogen and oxygen, this is the most abundant chemical in seawater. Cloride
Are the oceans becoming more or less salty? Neither
What causes pH to change with depth? Carbon dioxide
A biogeochemical cycle elements and compounds moving continuously to and from organisms and the Earth
Fundamental to all life form Carbon
Organisms use nitrogen for? the formation of organic compounds
An important component to DNA and nucleic acids Phosphorus
Used for shells and skeletons in marine organisms. Silicon
Used to construct specialized proteins Iron and trace metals
Movement of materials by diffusion Passive transport
Movement of materials from low to high concentration Active transport
These can control the water concentration in their cells Osmoconformers
These can change with the salinity of surrounding water Osmoregulators
Cold water_____when added to hot water. Sinks
Cold water is more____than warm water. Dense
How does science progress? through revisions of theories based on new evidence
What percentage of the Earth is covered with water? 71%
The world's oceans provide what percent of the biosphere (where organisms live)? 99%
Bonding of + and - electrons in Polar molecules Hydrogen bond
Created by: FordLCHS
Popular Science sets




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