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Matt Boller's guide to acing your test!

Identify 5 of Earth's oceans... Pacific, Atlantic, Indian, Arctic, Southern.
Identify 2 sources of water for Earth's oceans... 1. Condensation/Precipitation from volcanic explosions 2. Comets and Asteroids
What is salinity? The measure of the mass of the dissolved solids in a mass of water
Identify 4 features of the oceans floor... -Continental Margins (Slope,Shelf, and Rise) -Abyssal Plains -Mid-Ocean Ridges -Ocean Trenches
Describe the Surface Zone(in terms of sunlight). The shallowest zone that receives the most sunlight. Organisms may perform photosynthesis here.
Describe the Middle Zone (in terms of sunlight). The middle of the three zones; only faint blue-green light is present. Also called the twilight zone.
Describe the Deep Zone (in terms of sunlight) No light and no plants are present. Organisms here produce their own light by a chemical process called bioluminescence
Identify the 4 criteria scientists use while classifying ocean zones... 1. Temperature 3. Salinity 2. Sunlight 4. Density
Define cohesion The attraction among molecules that ARE alike
Define adhesion The attraction among molecules that ARE NOT alike
A water molecule contains what combination of different atoms? 1 oxygen atom; 2 hydrogen atoms.
True or False: The density of ice is HIGHER than the density of the same volume of water. False. The density of ice is lower than water. Thus, ice floats in water
How do underwater animals and organisms survive cold winters? The ice on top of the water insulates the water underneath allowing the animals to survive.
List 3 ways that water is a unique compound. Possible answers: Only substance to exist in all sates of matter, has a high specific heat, forms drops if spilled, ice floats in water, insects can walk on it, and substances dissolve in it.
Define polarity. A condition in which opposite ends of a molecule have slightly opposite charges, but the overall charge of the molecule is neutral.
Why is water called the "universal solvent"? Because it has a strong molecular bond with many different compounds.
Why does salinity difference cause ocean currents? The salt and other compounds move from high to low salinity, so the water moving creates currents.
What is the Coriolis affect? Because the Earth spins, the water, wind and the weather move with the Earth's rotation. This is called the Coriolis affect.
What does temperature have to do with ocean currents? The cold water is more dense, and the warm water is less dense, so the high density wants to move towards the low density (the cold water moves towards the warm water), thus it causes currents.
True or False: The topography of the ocean floor doesn't affect the currents of the ocean. False. The basins and underwater valleys re-direct the currents and "funnel" them elsewhere.
Define thermohaline circulation. The process of warm water rising and cold water taking its place. This process repeats over and over.
Define ocean current. A large volume of water flowing in a certain direction.
Name 5 gyres. North Pacific, South Pacific, North Atlantic, South Atlantic, and Indian Ocean
In the southern hemisphere, the Coriolis affect cause water to curve which way and rotate which way? It causes it to curve left and rotate counterclockwise.
Name the 3 types of currents. Surface Currents, Upswelling Currents, and Density Currents.
In a Density Current, is the water moving from the surface to the deep or from the deep to the surface? From the surface to the deep.
Which 2 currents move water vertically? Density Currents and Upswelling Currents
What is a gyre? A circular system of currents.
How deep do surface currents run? 400 meters or more.
Created by: mattyb123
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