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Med Terms- 21

musculoskeletal system consists of bones, muscles, and joints
tendons attaches muscle to bone
scapula shoulder blade
radius forearm (thumb side)
tibia shin bone
fibula (thinner than tibia)
tarsals ankle bones
phalanges toe bones
articulation joint formed where 2 or more bones meet
synovial joints freely moving joints
arthroplasty surgical repair of a joint
bursa fluid-filled sac between tendon and bone to reduce friction
cartilage shock absorber
chondrectomy surgical removal of cartilage
phalangeal pertaining to the phalanges
hyperkinesia excessive movement
smooth muscle produces movement of internal organs
red bone marrow produces blood cells
myeloma red bone marrow tumor
electromyogram record of a muscles electricity
bone serves as store house for important minerals
osteomalacia bone softening
tendinitis tendon inflammation
bone graft fuses 2 bones together
carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) repetitive motion disorder caused by pressure on tendons and nerves
closed fracture broken bone with no open skin wound; simple fracture
comminuted fracture bone shatters
compound fracture open fracture
creatine kinase muscle enzyme found in skeletal and cardiac muscle
dislocation ends of bones no longer in contact with each other
DXA used to diagnose osteoporosis
HNP ruptured disc
impacted fracture one bone fragment is pushed into another
kyphosis humpback
lordosis swayback
MD progressive muscle degeneration
orthosis externally applied brace or splint
osteogenic sarcoma bone cancer
prosthesis substitute for body part
radiography x-ray
RA autoimmune joint disease
spina bifida birth defect
sprain ligament injury from overstretching
strain damage to muscle or tendons from overuse or overstretching
Created by: briannasmith12
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