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Science 6

Unit 2

what is water made up of atoms
atoms basic building block of matter that make up everyday objects
atom+atom= molecule
how to atoms form molecules they attach or bond together
what is chemical formula for water H2O
what charge does hydrogen have positive
what charge does oxygen have negative
why is water a polar substance it has positive and negative charged atoms
3 properties of water surface tension, capillary action, universal solvent
surface tension tightness across the the surface of water caused by molecules pulling on each other
what shape are the water molecules forced to make a domed shape
cohesion water molecules stick together like magnet opposites attract
capillary action combined force of attraction among water molecules and the molecules of surrounding material
what does capillary action allow water to do move through material with pores or narrow space
adhesion water molecules stick to other substances
universal solvent water because it is a substance that dissolves many other substances
why is water known as the universal solvent because it dissolves many other substances
a polar substance like water can dissolve other polar substances like sugar and food coloring
why can't water dissolve oil or wax because they are non-polar substances
solvent a substance that dissolves other substances
solute the substance that gets dissolved
solution a mixture that forms when one substance dissolves another
what is the quote you put the solvent in the solute of the solution
how many hydrogen molecules in water 2
how many oxygen molecules in water 1
why are water molecules cohesive because the positive hydrogen atoms attract the negative oxygen atoms
what is it called when water molecules stick to other substances adhesion
what causes surface tension in water the molecules pulling on each other
what substance can break surface tension in water soap
examples of capillary action celery absorbing food coloring, paper towel absorbing water
two substances that do not dissolve in water oil and wax
ice tea dissolved completely in water universal solvent
bug walks on water without sinking surface tension/cohesion
tried to mix oil with water but didn't mix universal solvent
rain ran down window and cam together to make larger drops cohesion
paper towel soaked up spill capillary action/adhesion
blue die went up petal on flower capillary action/adhesion
water sticks to side of cylinder to form meniscus adhesion
water moves from roots of plants to leaves of plants capillary action
oil does not dissolve in water water is polar and oil in non-polar
what are the 5 phase changes of matter freezing, melting, evaporation, condensation, sublimation
freezing matter starts as a liquid, atoms move slower and matter changes to solid
melting matter starts as a solid, atoms move faster and matter changes to liquid
evaporation matter starts as a liquid, atoms move faster and matter changes to gas
condensation matter starts as gas, atoms move slower and matter changes to liquid
sublimation matter starts as a solid, atoms move faster and matter changes to gas
an example of sublimation dry ice carbon dioxide
energy freezing liquid to solid, released/lost
energy melting solid to liquid, absorbed/gained
energy evaporation liquid to gas,absorbed/gained
energy condensation gas to liquid released/lost
energy sublimation solid to gas, absorbed/gained
gas to liquid to solid energy removed
solid to liquid to gas energy added
example of evaporation cup of water in the summer, ocean water - water cycle, tea kettle, pool water gets lower
examples of condensation water inside the pot lid when boiling, steam in shower hit cold mirror and loses heat, cloud in atmosphere
why did the liquid on the white board evaporate warm air hits the cold board and the water absorbs energy turning it into a gas, evaporation occurs
why did your hand feel cool when a drop of alcohol was placed on it liquid alcohol touches your warm hand and absorbs energy from it, the liquid turns into a gas
why did water collect on the outside of the glass of ice water warm air hits the cold glass, and it loses energy, turning it into a liquid as condensation occurs, air has water in it.
explain why on a hot day your body is cool when you get out of pool water sticking to your body absorbs heat energy from your body and evaporate, you lose heat and will feel cold
on a hot day why is the outside of the glass wet condensation is occuring, the cold glass hits the hot air that contains water vapor, it release the heat energy and forms a liquid on the glass
how is an insect walking on the water the surface tension caused my cohesion of water molecules so the light bug cannot break the surface tension and will float on water
why do paper towels absorb water capillary action is when the water molecules adhesion to the paper molecules and a combined force of action occurs
solid molecules packed tightly, vibrate slowly, definite shape, has volume
liquid molecules flow freely over and around each other, definite volume, no definite shape
gas atoms in an excited state, move and vibrate rapidly, no definite shape, no definite volume
five states of matter solid, liquid, gas, plasma, bose-einstein condensates
plasma super excited hot atoms
bose-einstein condesnates super cold atoms, clumping
each state is known as a phase
a phase describes a definite state of matter
how can things change from one phase to another by physical means
what energy cause physical change temperature and pressure
Created by: IM5
Popular Science sets




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