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6 Sci Test 4 Ch 1-2

algae some of the smallest green plants
American lobster type of lobster prized for its enormous pincers and meaty tail; also called Maine lobster
annual type of plant that lives for only one year
arachnids scorpions and tarantulas are examples of these
barnacle crustacean sticks itself to an object when it is young
birch tree with smooth, papery bark that peels off in thin layers
bivalves mollusks with two matching shells. i.e. mussels, oyters, clams and scallops
brine shrimp shrimp that has "gill feet"; often used as aquarium food
castings earthworms provide this to enrich the soil
cell membrane structure that surrounds the cell and protects it
cephalothorax name of body region when the head and thorax are joined together
chlorophyll the pigment, or coloring, that makes plants green and helps carry out photosynthesis
chromosomes threadlike structures in a cell that determine the characteristics of the organism and how it runs
cleaner shrimp shrimp that searches for parasites and other harmful things on a fish
composite largest flower family with two types of flowers (ray and disk) that make up "one" flower
conifers cone-bearing trees
coral polyp invertebrate that builds a protective limestone cup at the base of its body
crayfish small, freshwater lobster
crustaceans barnacles, lobsters and crabs are examples of these
cytoplasm jellylike fluid that fills the cell
exoskeleton a protective outer covering
gastropod means stomach foot
ghost crab a sand-colored, burrowing crab of Atlantic and Caribbean beaches
gills what a crustaceans uses to breathe
grass flower family with two-part leaf (blade and sheath) and can reproduce without flowers
hermit crab crab whose shell covers on the front part of its body
insects ants, ladybird beetles and honeybees are examples of these
Japanese spider crab giant crab that may weigh up to forty pounds and have legs nearly five feet long
krill whale food
lily flower family with petals that grow from bulbs with petals in multiples of 3
maple type of tree that is a good source of sugar and syrup
metamorphosis change in form that occurs during the life of an insect
millipede What animal releases poison through the stink glands along the sides of its body near its many legs as means of defense?
mollusks clams and octopuses are examples of these
nucleus structure that directs the work of the cell
oak trees known for producing acorns
pea flower family with 5 petals (1 large and 4 small)and fruit that grows in the shape of a pod
pea crab tiniest crab
photosynthesis complex chemical process by which green plants use the energy of sunlight to change water and carbon dioxide into glucose for food
pill bug the wood louse whose nick name is roly-poly; expels an offensive odor when attacked
pine trees that have needles that grow in bundles
pistol shrimp shrimp with a stun gun
poisonous What is special about the pair of legs closest to a centipede's mouth? They are ____________.
protozoans amoebas, parameciums and euglenas are examples of these
rose flower family with petals that grow in multiples of 5 examples include apples and cherries
sea star animal with 5 or more rays, each with 2 rows of tube feet.
setae stiff bristles onthe body of an earthworm
spiny lobster lobster with no pincers
ten number of legs a crustaceans has
three number of body regions a crustaceans has
two number of legs per body segment on a centipede
univalves mollusks with one shell, examples are cowrie and conch
Created by: Mrs_CC
Popular Science sets




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