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The Pectoral Girdle (shoulder girdle) Connects the arms to the body Positions the shoulders Provides a base for arm movement
What does the pectoral consist of and where does it connect with axial skeleton? Consists of: 2 clavicles 2 scapulae Connects with the axial skeleton only at the manubrium
The Clavicles (collarbones) Long, S-shaped bones Originate at the manubrium (sternal end) Articulate with the scapulae (acromial end)
The Scapulae (shoulder blades) Anterior surface-subscapular fossa Broad, flat triangles Articulate with arm and collarbone
WHat does the scapulae known for? To hold the glenoid cavity which articulates with humerus to form shoulder joint
Humerus-arm The long, upper armbone
Head of humerus rounded, articulating surface contained within joint capsule
Neck of humerus Anatomical neck- margin of joint capsule Surgical neck: the narrow metaphysis
Shaft of humerus Deltoid tuberosity: -a bulge in the shaft -attaches deltoid muscle Radial groove: -for radial nerve -posterior to deltoid tuberosity
Distal Epiphysis of humerus Medial and lateral epicondyles: -for muscle attachment Condyle of the humerus: =Trochlea: coronoid fossa & olecranon fossa articulates with ulna =Capitulum: radial fossa articulates with radius
Ulna Articulations =With humerus ==Forearm extended: olecranon (elbow point) enters olecranon fossa ==Forearm flexed: coronoid process enters coronoid fossa
The Forearm-antebrachium Consists of 2 long bones: ulna & radius
Radius Articulations Ulnar notch: distal end articulates w/ wrist & radius Styloid process: stabilizes wrist joint
Wrist 8 carpal bones:
Hands =5 Metacarpal Bones long bones of the hand Numbered I–V from lateral (thumb) to medial Articulate with proximal phalanges =Phalanges Pollex (thumb): 2 phalanges (proximal, distal) Fingers: 3 phalanges (proximal, middle, distal)
Hipbones - Os Coxae Made up of 3 fused bones: ilium ischium pubis Acetabulum - hip socket articulates with head of femur
Marks of Os coxae Marks =Obturator foramen: formed by ischial and pubic rami attaches hip muscles =Pubic symphysis: gap between pubic tubercles padded with fibrocartilage
The Pelvis Consists of 2 ossa coxae, sacrum, & coccyx
What two things bind at the pelvis? appendicular and axial
True Pelvis Perineum region: inferior edges of true pelvis Pelvic brim: upper edge of true pelvis encloses pelvic inlet
Childbearing Modifications Due to above, female pelvis is smoother & lighter Enlarged pelvic outlet Broad pubic angle (> 100°) Less curvature of sacrum and coccyx Wide, circular pelvic inlet Broad, low pelvis Ilia project laterally, not upwards
Femur Proximal Epiphysis Femoral head: articulates with pelvis at acetabulum Neck narrow area between head & trochanters
Shaft of femur Linea aspera: most prominent ridge of shaft attaches hip muscles
patella Base attaches quadriceps femoris Apex attaches patellar ligament
tibia Proximal Epiphysis Medial and lateral tibial condyles articulate with medial & lateral condyles of femur Tibial tuberosity: attaches patellar ligament
tibia shaft Shaft Anterior margin: sharp ridge of shinbone
Distal epiphysis of tibia Medial malleolus: medial projection at ankle
Fibula Interosseous membrane: binds fibula to tibia Lateral malleolus: lateral projection of ankle
Interosseous membrane happens also where? ulna and radius
Ankle of 7 tarsal bones
feet 5 metatarsal bones: long bones of foot numbered I–V, medial to lateral Articulate with toes phalanges: bones of the toes hallux: big toe, 2 phalanges (distal, proximal) Other 4 toes: 3 phalanges (distal, medial, proximal)
Arm proximal epiphysis separated by intertubercular groove: greater tubercle: lateral forms tip of shoulder lesser tubercle: anterior, medial
Created by: talennna
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