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FSCC Cranial Nerves

Stack #171433

Olfactory Smell
To test olfactory nerve: assess patency of nostrils by covering 1 nostril at a time and asking person to sniff, and have patient smell and identify different items.
Optic visual acuity
To test visual acuity: use snellen chart, test visual fields and examine with ophthalmoscope.
Oculomotor moves eyes up, down and peripherally, pupil-lary constriction
Trochlear Down and inward movement of eyes (inferior lateral)
Trigiminial Corneal Reflex, sensation of skin of the face,chewing,biting,lateral jaw movements
Abducens inferior lateral movement of eye
Facial taste, anterior 2/3 of tongue, movement of forehead and mouth
Acoustic (Vestibulocochlear) hearing, balance (equilibrium)
Glossopharyngeal swallowing and phonation,taste in posterior 1/3 of mouth,gag reflex,parotid gland
Vagus sensations of posterior 1/3 of tongue, throat,gag reflex,swallowing and phonation,gag reflex, H.R.,digestion
Spinal (Accessory) shoulder movement, shoulder shrug, head rotation (trapezius and sternomastoid muscles)
Hypoglossal Tongue movement
To test hypoglossal: protrude tongue, push tongue into cheek
To test Spinal: put light pressure on side of patient's head and have them turn toward touched side, push against examiner's hand
To test Vagus: stimulate back of pharnyx with blade, touch tongue blade to tongue
To test glossopharyngeal: have patient drink and observe them swallowing, sweet/salty items on posterior of tongue
To test acoustic: close eyes...determine distance to hear ticking of clock, weber and rhinne test, ososcope
To test Facial: sweet/salty on anterior 2/3 of tongue, raise eyebrows, show teeth,smile,puff out cheeks,funny faces, frown
To test oculomotor,trochlear,abducens: have patient hold head still and follow finger up/down/left/right, test for accommodatin,pupillary constriction,observe for ptosis of upper eyelid
To test trigeminal: corneal reflex with cotton on cornea, wisp of cotton on eyebrow,cheeks and chin, chew or move jaw side to side.
Created by: CWal6512
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