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Português 205

Prova 5-6

O borracheiro tire repairman
A cabeleireira hair stylist
O chaveiro locksmith
A costureira seamstress
O electricista electrician
O encanador plumber
O jardineiro gardener
O marceneiro finisher carpenter
O mecânico mechanic
O padeiro baker
O pedreiro mason
O pintor painter
O sapateiro shoe maker or repairman
O serralheiro iron worker
O técnico technician
O tintureiro dry cleaner
O vidraceiro glass worker
O aparelho apparatus, machine
O aspirador vacuum cleaner
A campainha door bell
A chave key
A fechadura lock
As flores flowers
A grade grades, iron bars
A grama grass
O jardim garden
Os móveis furniture
O muro outside wall
A parede inside wall
O azar bad luck
O baralho deck of cards
As cartas cards
As cinzas ashes
A escada ladder
A ferradura horse shoe
A figa good luck fist
A fita ribbon, tape
O lobisomem werewolf
O pé de coelho rabbit´s foot
A simpatia superstition, wive´s tale
bater hit, knock
consertar fix
costurar sew
enguiçar break down
entupir clog
furar puncture
rasgar rip, tear
recusar refuse
trincar crack
O teto ceiling
O telhado roof
O trevo de quatro folhas four-leaf clover
A vassoura broom
A vela candle
louco, maluco, doido crazy
ruim bad
Que bobagem! What nonsense!
Sei lá I have no idea
De jeito nenhum No way
Para mim, tanto faz Doesn´t matter to me
Se der If it´s possible
Created by: mycrew1
Popular Portuguese sets




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