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Chapter 3

Using the Traditional Canons of Rhetoric: Arrangement, Style, and Delivery

Exordium In ancient Roman oratory, the introduction of a speech, meant to draw AUDIENCE into speech.
Narration In acient Roman oratory, the part of a speech in which the speaker provided background information on a TOPIC.
Pertition In Ancient Roman oratory, the part of a speech where the speaker would divede the main TOPIC into parts.
Confirmation In ancient Roman oratory, the part of a speech in which the speaker or writer would offer proof the central idea.
Refutation In ancient Roman oratory, the prat of a speech in which the speaker would anticipate objections to he points being raised and counter them,
Peroration In ancient Roman oratory, the part of the speech in which the speaker would draw together the entire ARGUMENT snd include materal designed to compel the AUDIENCE to think or act in a way constant with the central argument.
Simple Sentence A sentence with one independent clause and dependent clause.
Compound Subject The construction of two words into one by eliminating one or more sounds and indicating the omission with an apostrophe- for eample," don't" for "do not."
Compound Sentence Has two clauses, each of which could exist as a simple sentence if you removed the conjuction cennecting them.
Complex Sentence Has two clauses, one independent and at least one subordinated to main clause.
Compound-Complex Sentence has the defining features of both a compound sentence and a complex sentence.
Parallelism of words Exercise physiologist argue that body-pumps aerobics sessions benifit a person'sheart and lungs, muscles and nerves, and cartilage.
Parallelism of phrases Exercise phsyologist argue that body-pump aerobics sessions help a person breathe more effectively, more with less discomfort, and avoid injury.
Parallism of Clauses Exercise phsiologists argue that body-pump aerobics is the most efficient exercise class, that body-pump participants show greater in stimina than participants in comparable exercise programs, and that body-pump aerobics is less expensive in terms of equi
Roman languages A language that that derived from latin.
Latinate Directions Vocabulary characterized by the choice of elaborate, often complicated words derived from latin words.
Anglo-Saxon diction Word choice characterized by simple, often one-or two syllable,nouns,adjectives, and adverbs.
Antimetable The repitition of words in successive clauses in reverse grammatical order.
Parenthesis An insertion of material that interrupts the typical flow of a sentence.
Anthesis of words the repitition of words.
Anthesis of phraes When distance runners reach the state they call the zone, they fiind themselves metally engaged.
Anthesis of clauses
Alleteration Repetion of consonant sounds at the beginning or in the middle of two or more adjecent words.
Assonance Repetion of vowel sonds in the stressed syllables of two or more adjecents words.
Anaphora Repetition of the same group of words at the beginning of successive clauses.
Epistrophe Repetition of the same group of words at the end of successive clauses.
Anadiplosis Repetition of the last word of one clasuse at the beginning of the clause.
Climax repetion of words, phrases, or clauses in order of increasing number or importance.
Simile Compares two things using like or as.
Metonomy An entity is refferd to by one of its attributes.
Synecdone A part of something is used refer to the whole.
Personification Inanimate objects are given human characteristics.
Periphrases A descriptive word or phrase is used to refer to a proper name.
Irony Words are meant to convey the opposite of their literal meaning.
Oximoron words that have apparently ontradictory meanings are placed near each other.
Rhetorical question A questin is designed not to secure an answer but to move the development of an idea fordward and suggest a point.
Created by: quiroz.l
Popular English Verbs sets




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