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Clinical Research

Clinical Research Quiz 1 pt 3

Complex hypothesis states a predicted relationship between 2 or more independent variables &/or 2 or more dependent variables
Deductive hypothesis have theories as starting points that are applied to particular situations; QUANTITATIVE STUDIES; specific predictions derived from general principles
Directional hypothesis predicts the direction of a relationship
Hypothesis the researcher’s predictions about relationships among variables; ex: subjects receiving intervention “a” will have less side effects from chemotherapy as measured by…
Inductive hypothesis generalization inferred from observed relationships QUALITATIVE STUDIES
Multivariate hypothesis predictions about relationships with multiple variables
Nondirectional hypothesis predicts the existence of a relationship, not its direction
Problem statement articulates the problem and describes the need for a study through the development of an argument
Research aim / Objective the specific accomplishments to be achieved by conducting the study; ex: to develop an intervention to reduce chemotherapy side effects or to test the hypotheses
Research hypothesis states the actual prediction of a relationship
Research problem a statement articulating the research problem & indicating the need for a study
Research question specific queries the researcher wants to answer in addressing the research problem; ex: what is the effectiveness of intervention “a” vs “b”?
Simple hypothesis expresses a predicted relationship between 1 independent variable & one dependent variable
Statement of purpose t/ researcher's summary of the overall study goal; ex: to test an intervention to reduce side effects
Statistical hypothesis/Null hypothesis expresses the absence of a relationship (used only in statistical testing)
Topic a phenomenon of focus, ex: side effects of chemotherapy
Abstract brief description of a completed or proposed study; usually located at the beginning of a report or proposal
Abstract journal
Author search
CINAHL database Cumulative Index to Nursing & Allied Health Literature; an import electronic database /c references to all Eng. language journals, books, dissertations, & selected conference proceedings in nursing & allied health fields
Computer search
Discussion section
Electronic database
Journal article a report appearing in a professional journal; ex: Nursing research or international journal of nursing studies
Key words an important term used to search for references on a topic in a bibliographic database, and used by authors to enhance the likelihood that their report will be found
Level of significance the risk of making a Type I error in a statistical analysis, w/ the criterion (alpha) established by the researcher beforehand
Literature review a comprehensive written summary of evidence on a research problem
Mapping a feature that allows you to search for topics using your own keywords, rather than needing to enter a term that is exactly the same as the subject heading
MEDLINE database developed by US National Library of medicine; covers 5K medical, nursing, and health journals from many countries
Method section area in article where the steps, procedures, and strategies for gathering and analyzing data in a study
Online catalog system
Online search
*Primary source articles written by the author/researcher specifically; it’s the only source of credible evidence
Research findings
Results section area of article state the answers to the research questions, obtained through an analysis of the collected data
*Secondary source research documents of descriptions of studies prepared by someone other than the original researcher; ex: literature reviews, synthesis articles, textbook chapters
Statistical significance a term indicating that the results from an analysis of sample data are unlikely to have been caused by chance, at a specified level of probability
Statistical test an analytic tool that estimates the probability that results obtained from a sample reflect true population values
Subject search
Text word search
Theme a recurring regularity emerging from an analysis of qualitative data
Created by: Fukanwa
Popular Nursing sets




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