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Lpn fall 2008

Amphiarthrosis Joints are slightly movable, such as the vertebrae & pelvic bones separated by fibrous cartilage.
Amputation The removal of all or part of an extremity. Done in response to injuries resulting in extensive laceration of arteries of nerves, or diseases such as malignant tumors, infections, & peripheral vascular disorders.
Arthroplasty The replacement of both articular surfaces w/in a joint capsule. Hip, knee, shoulder, & fingers are the joints most frequently replaced in this procedure.
Bruxism Teeth clenching or grinding
Closed reduction Repair of a fracture accomplished w/o surgical intervention.
Contracture Permanent shortening of a muscle.
Crepitus a grating or crackling sensation or sound.
Diarthrosis Joints are freely movable joints such as the hinge (elbow, knee) ball & socket (hip, shoulder), pivot (skull & 1st vertebrae), gliding (wrist), & saddle (thumb).
Dislocation Occurs when articular surfaces of a joint are no longer in contact. The bones are literally out of joint.
Fracture A break in the continuity of a bone fractures occur when the forces from outside the body become greater than the strength of the bone, causing the bone to break.
Heberden’s nodes Joint enlargement & characteristics hypertrophic spurs, in the terminal interphalangeal finger joints.
Kyphosis (Hump back), seen as an increased roundness of the thoracic spinal curve.
Locomotor Movement or the ability to move.
Lordosis (Sway back), an exaggeration of the lumbar spine curvature as seen in pregnancy as a woman’s body adjusts to the center of gravity.
Open reduction surgical procedure that enables the surgeon to reduce (repair) the fracture under direct visualization.
Orthopedics Branch of medicine that deals w/ the prevention or correction of the disorders & diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
Osteoporosis An increase in the porosity of bone. A common disorder in bone metabolism in which both mineral & protein matrix components are diminished & the bone becomes brittle & fragile. Increase in fractures of the hip, spine, & wrist.
Paresthesia Numbness or tingling.
Phantom limb pain sensation that there is pain, soreness, & stiffness in the amputated limb. Phantom pain will decrease as inflammation subsides at the incisional site.
Scoliosis Lateral curving deviation (crooked back), seen most frequently in school age children & adolescents.
Sprain An injury to ligaments surrounding a joint caused by a sudden twist, wrench, or fall. Symptoms include pain, edema, loss of motion, & ecchymosis.
Strain An injury to a muscle or tendon due to overuse or overstretching, may be acute or chronic
Subluxation A partial separation of an articular surface.
Synarthrosis Joints are immovable, such as the suture line between the temporal & occipital bones of the skull.
Tophi Which are subcutaneous nodular deposits of sodium urate crystals appearing in various parts of the body including the rim of the ears, the knuckles, & great toe.
Windowing Cutting a hole in a plaster cast to relieve pressure on the skin or bony area & to permit visualization of the underlying body part.
Created by: posiniv
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