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Cubangbang #165952

Cubangbang's 6th Ch.4 Cells and Classification Stack #165952

A complete living thing; their classification is divided by similar characteristics Organisms
Smallest unit of a living organism Cell
A group of cells working together Tissues
A group of tissues working together; example are your lungs, heart, liver Organs
Organs that have a particular function create Systems
Provides the external boundary for a cell cell membrane
Characteristics of living things Grow and develop, reproduce, respond to their environment, use energy, made up of cells
Cell theory Living things are made of cells; nonliving things are not made up of cells. Cells can function as individual organisms or as the smallest units in a larger organisms
One-celled organism unicellular
Organism made of many cells multicellular
first to observe and name cells Robert Hooke
One of the men who formed the basis of cell theory Theodor Schwann
Developed a system of classification Carolus Linnaeus
Invented the first microscope Zacharius Jansen
Organelles found only in plant cells cell wall and chloroplast
bubble-like storage organelles found in a cell vacuole
cell engines; powerhouse of cell; break down food & release energy mitochondria
jelly-like substance inside cell membrane cytoplasm
cell's delivery or transportation system endoplasmic reticulum
make the proteins the cell needs ribosomes
large circular structure containing the DNA nucleus
the DNA is packed into tight bundles called chromosomes
Cell structure that holds the green pigment found in plant cells chloroplast
Green pigment found in plant cells to absorb energy from sunlight chlorophyll
process of an organism producing reproductive cells meiosis
process of an organism growing and replacing cells mitosis
Six kingdoms as described by Linnaeus Eubacteria, Archaebacteria, Protista, Fungi, Plantae, Animalia
Scientific name an organism uses Genus & Species
Smallest living organisms; sometimes found in yogurt Eubacteria
organisms that live in conditions poisonous to other living things Archaebacteria
Protozoans & Algae Protista
Yeast, mold, mushroom Fungi
Multicellular organisms with chlorplasts Plantae
Multicellular organisms without cell walls Animalia
Created by: jcubangbang
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