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APG Chapter 1

Introduction to Government

1. In what ways is there a gap between the elderly and the young concerning politics? 2. Political knowledge, participation, and interest as well as use of media
3. What does political knowledge encourage? 4. Tolerance
5. Why does voter turnout matter? 6. Politicians pay more attention to voters than non-voters.
7. What is a benefit of the internet for democracy? 8. It is easier to communicate directly with government
9. What is detriment of the internet for democracy? 10. It is easy to tune out opposing views and become intolerant
11. What do we call the institutions that make public policy? 12. Government
13. What do all governments do, democratic and non-democratic? 14. Maintain national defense, provide public goods and services, collect taxes, socialize the young into the political system
15. What fraction of dollars earned in the United States are used to pay taxes? 16. 1/3
17. A single-minded interest group that only votes according to one issue are known as: 18. Single-issue interest groups or single interest groups
19. What interest groups are uninterested in compromise? 20. Single-issue interest groups or single interest groups
21. How is voter turnout in the United States compared to many countries? 22. Low
23. How many opportunities do Americans have to vote compared to many countries? 24. Many
25. What do democratic governments do that non-democratic governments don’t? 26. Protect civil liberties
27. What are the various policymaking institutions of American government? 28. Congress, Presidency, Supreme Court
29. What is the most common way for a government to protect national sovereignty? 30. Armed Forces (Military)
31. What do we call the process by which political leaders are selected and those leaders choose policies to pursue? 32. Politics
33. What benefits are shared by everyone? 34. Public goods
35. Who defines governments as “who gets what, when and how”? 36. Harold Laswell
37. What is a reason some public goods are not provided by private businesses? 38. They aren’t profitable
39. What do we call the activity of getting involved in politics? 40. Political participation
41. What system allows our government to respond to public priorities? 42. Policymaking system
43. What do we call the channel or medium through which public concerns become part of the political agenda? 44. A linkage institution
45. What do we call the process by which policy comes into being and changes over time? 46. Policymaking system
47. What do we call the institutions that link public preferences to policymakers? 48. Linkage institutions
49. What are the linkage institutions? 50. Political parties, interest groups, elections, and media
51. How are political parties a linkage institution? 52. Voters choose candidates who support shared policy views
53. How are interest groups a linkage institution? 54. Interest groups speak for a group of citizens with common views on certain policy issues
55. How are elections a linkage institution? 56. Voters choose candidates who support their policy views
57. How is the media a linkage institution? 58. The media focuses public attention on issues and reports public preferences
59. What do we call the issues that public officials choose to pay serious attention to? 60. The policy agenda
61. What kind of news gets on the policy agenda more quickly? 62. Bad news
63. What is a key difference between interest groups and parties even though both want to influence policy? 64. Parties seek to have members gain elected office
65. When do political issues concerning a problem arise? 66. When people disagree on the policy to follow
67. The first key question for government about different policy choices is this. 68. Should government even do anything about issue
69. Who published The Communist Manifesto? 70. Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels
71. Who published The Wealth of Nations? 72. Adam Smith
73. How did the writers of the U.S. Constitution feel about democracy? 74. They were distrustful.
75. What are Dahl’s criteria for Democracy? 76. Inclusion, knowledgeable citizens, free communication and information, equality in voting, open citizenship to all within a nation
77. For a democracy to work, majority rule must be balanced with this. 78. Minority rights
79. What is a key word for understanding pluralism? 80. Compromise
81. What is a key word for understanding hyperpluralism? 82. Policy gridlock
83. What is a key concept to both pluralism and hyperpluralism? 84. Group competition
85. What is the term for the correspondence between the decisions of leaders and the desires of citizens in a democracy? 86. Representation
87. What is the name for the twisted argument that a non-democratic form of government can serve the interests of the people and, if it does, should be considered democratic? 88. Democratic centralism
89. What percentage of Americans do elite theorists believe control policy? 90. Less than 1 percent
91. What percentage of America’s wealth is owned by the top 1% of Americans in terms of wealth? 92. Over a third
93. What percentage of America’s wealth is owned by the top 20% of Americans in terms of wealth? 94. Over 80% or 4/5
95. What theory holds that wealth is the basis of power? 96. Elite theory or class theory
97. Some elite theorists argue that specialized knowledge is now of great importance in making policy. Who do they place in the elite? 98. Technical experts
99. What are some modern challenges to democracy? 100. Diverse interests, low participation, PACs, specialized knowledge needed for complex issues
101. What is a PAC? 102. A Political Action Committee – group that spends money on campaigns for interest groups
103. What is the concern people have over PACs? 104. Influence of money
105. What percentage of American wealth is spent by national, state, and local governments? 106. About 1/3
107. What percentage of land does the American government own? 108. About 1/3
109. What is the largest item in the United States budget? 110. Social security payments
111. The relative scope of American government is: 112. Small
113. What does Frederick Jackson Turner claim led Americans to prefer limited government. 114. The Frontier Experience
115. What do we call the effects of a policy on people and society’s problems? 116. Policy impact
117. How does democracy function as a political system? 118. Policymakers are selected in a way that causes policy to represent public wishes or preferences
119. What is a simple way to express the ideal notion of equality in voting? 120. “one person, one vote”
121. What is the democratic principle that the majority should generally decide policy? 122. Majority rule (Majoritarianism)
123. What theory argues that group competition and compromise leads to public policy that serves the public interest? 124. Pluralism
125. What theory holds that American society is divided along class lines and a powerful minority makes most public policy? 126. Elitism or elite theory
127. What theory holds that special interest groups control government to achieve narrow interests leading to a weak and paralyzed government? 128. Hyperpluralism
129. What occurs when groups conflict but no majority of groups can be formed to make policy? 130. Policy gridlock
131. What do you call a set of political values held by most in a society? 132. Political culture
133. What part of the American creed is reflected in the more limited and smaller scope of American government? 134. Laissez-faire
135. A Congressional law and a government regulation are examples of this. 136. Public policy
137. What are some examples of a collective good? 138. Clean air
139. What policymaker was responsible for the troop surge in Afghanistan? 140. Presidency
141. What kind of public policy concerns legislation of taxes and expenditures? 142. Budget making
143. Which traditional democratic principle is violated when wealthy elites overly influence policy? 144. Citizen control of the agenda
145. What does the “who” of politics refer to? 146. Voters, candidates, groups, parties
147. What does the “what” of politics refer to? 148. The substance of government and politics – the benefits and burdens of policy
149. What is included in public policy? 150. All decisions and non-decisions of government
151. What freedoms are required to have the democratic principle of enlightened understanding? 152. Free speech and free press
153. Which political theory concerning who makes policy has an optimistic view of group competition arguing that no one group dominates yet the public interest is served. 154. Pluralism
155. What is central to all theories of elite domination of politics? 156. Big business
157. Wilson defines this as an “intense commitment to a candidate, a culture, or an ideology that sets the people in one group definitively apart from people in another, rival group”? 158. polarization
Created by: Mr McNair
Popular AP Comparative Gov. sets




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