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Stack #Ebio.exam2

Need less energy since they don't run 2 cycles C4 or C3 plants C3
What are producers of photosynthesis? plants and photosynthetic organisms
C4 or C3. Has PEP carboxylase that is more efficient than RuBP. C4
Where does photosynthesis occur in plants? chloroplasts
Better in cool, moist, less sunny climates. (cold-tolerant) C3
What are 2 primary areas in chloroplasts 1. inner membrane2. fluid space
Need less water and less nitrogen fertilizer.C4 or C3 C4
solar energy drives the production of ______ and ______in plants ATP and NADPH
What is the inner membrane of a chloroplast? light rxns which are light collection by chlorophyll and electron transport.
____ and _____ drive the conversion of CO2 to energy rich sugar ATP and NADPH
Can fix CO2 w/ stomates less widely open C4
what is fluid space of choloroplasts? where the CO2 gets converted to sugars in calvin cycle
What provides energy for rxns? ATP
What is NADPH? an electron carrier that provides H
___ comes from ____ in light collection rxn water strip e- from water by a water splitting enzyme O2, H2O
Overiew of light collection (4 steps) 1. solar energy used to strip e-,2. energized e-3. make ATP4. load energized e- onto NADPH
How does energy produced an energized e-? chlorphyll molecules absorb light and passes onto a special chlorophyll that gives up an e-
Which plants, deep shade or full sunlight, maximize light collection and have more chlorophyll? deep shade
3 Evidence for role of plant carotenoids in protection from light damage 1. More carotenoids in sun grown vs. shade grown leaves, 2. bleaching and death when given a carotenoid inhibiter, 3. more photosynthesis in red light than in blue
Full sunlight plants have these 4 features 1. collect LESS sunlight,2. protect from sun damage, 3. has less chlorophyll,4. more carotenoids,
Most plants (C3) use this cylce Calvin Cycle
List 7 environmental antioxidants 1. smoking, 2. excess UV radiation, 3. ionizing radiation, 4. heavy metals, 5. asbestos, 6. silica, 7. detox of alcohol and legal/illegal drugs
__% to ___% of e- transport in mitochondrial respiration leads to formative reactive oxygen 5-10
TRUE or FALSE. Human body forms reactive oxygen with every breath we take TRUE
Name some antioxidant minerals. 1. zinc, 2. selenium, 3. vitamins C & E
What keeps reactive oxygen species in check that come from the diet? antioxidants
In a hydroelectric dam model water stands for ____, turbine stands for ____ and lit bulb stands for ______ protons (H+), ATP synthase, ATP produced
These plants use and addition CO2 fixation cycle before Calvin cycle. C4 or C3 C4
What is the basal metabolic rate in kcal per day in human adult male vs. alligator? 1600-1800 in human adult male vs. 60 in alligator
What is 2nd law of thermodynamics? every energy transformed leads to a loss in of usable energy as heat
What does mitochondrial uncoupling proteins do? provide a channel across the membrane thru which protons flow back(downhill) WITHOUT making ATP and releasing all energy as HEAT
Brown fat cells use _______ protein to uncouple e- transport from ATP formation to generate only heat and NO ATP uncoupling
TRUE of FALSE. Brown cells do not have a lot of mitochondria? FALSE
What does chloroplast provide for cells? sugars
What does mitochondrion provide for cell? ATP
Name and location of carbon cyle in respiration Citric acid cycle, in matrix
Location of glycolosis and fermentation cytosol
TRUE or FALSE. Brown cells produce HEAT in newborns, small mammals in cold climate, and hibernating animals TRUE
Name and location of carbon cyle in photosynthesis Calvin cyle, in the stroma
What is the energy yield of glycolosis and fermentation? 2 ATP
____ and ___ are produced by light collecting and e- transport rxns in photosynthesis and are utilized in Calvin Cycle ATP, NADPH
TRUE of FALSE. Photosynthetic e- transport IS affected by whether oxygen is present or absent FALSE, does not get affected by presence or absence of oxygen because it produces it.
Organic molecules and oxygen are starting materials in ________, while CO2 and water are the starting materials in _____________ cellular respiration; photosynthesis
BOTH mitochondria and chloroplasts produce this. ATP
ATP synthase in mitochondria and chloroplasts _________ a proton (H+) gradient, and ATP-fueled proton (H+) pump on the outer cell membrane of plants _______ a proton gradient utilizes; creates
What is the ultimate source of e- used to produce NADPH and then used to produce high energy- C_H bonds in sugars from low energy bond in CO2? water
TRUE or FALSE. Special chlorophyll gets e- back from water molecule leaving H+ and O2 behind TRUE
Energy for all cellular work provided by the same energy-rich compound is: ATP
What is the ultimate source of metabolism and cellular respiration? sun
What are the producers of metabolism and cellular respiration? plants and other photosynthetic organisms
What are the consumers of metabolism and cellular respiration? animals
TRUE of FALSE. Chemical energy is given off by producers and flowed as chemical energy to consumers in metabolism and cellular respiration TRUE
TRUE or FALSE. Cells use ATP as energy currency TRUE
ATP is similar to a nucleotide because it consists of these 3 parts 3 phoshate groups, a sugar, and nitrogen base
ATP does 3 kinds of celluar work that involves high energy P. Name the work at the proteins associated with each work 1. motor proteins for mechanical work, 2. transport proteins for transport work, 3. reactant molecules for chemical work
Which fo the following does NOT have same sturctural componentas as all of other molecules? ATP, NADH, DNA, steroids, nucleotides , steroids
TRUE or FALSE. Energy for all cellular work is provided by same energy rich compound, ATP TRUE
What is the first part of cellular respiration Glucose enters cell turns to pyruvate.
TRUE or FALSE. Cellular respiration breaks down energy-rich molecules to CO2 and water removing their energy TRUE
Glycolysis is inside or outside mitochondria? outside
TRUE or FALSE. ATP is formed wit energy from BREAKDOWN of energy-rick food molecules. TRUE
Only when _____ is present, can glucose be broken down completely in mitochondria for HIGH yield energy oxygen
The regeneration of ____ from ____and phosphate is an energy consuming reaction ATP; ADP
Aerobic celluar respiration requires _____ to be present oxygen
Fermentation does or does not require oxygen to be present? DOES NOT
Are glycolysis and fermentation aerobic or anaerobic? anaerobic (w/o oxygen)
What are two things that alcoholic fermentation form by yeast and bacteria? ethanol and CO2
TRUE or FALSE. Yeast used alcholic fermentation to convert hexoses into ethanol for fuels. TRUE
Lactid acid fermentation includes other fungi and bacteria. Also includes muscle cells under anaerobic conditions. TRUE or FALSE. TRUE
Products of alcoholic fermentation include: yeast for beer and wine
CO2 gas formed from fermenation is used for? bread leavening
Products of lactic acid fermentation include: yogurt, cheese, (dairy products)
Different human muscle fibers use different metabolisms. TRUE or FALSE. What are the two kinds? TRUE. Fast twitch glycolytic fibers for glycolosis. Slow twitch oxidative fibers for oxidative fibers.
Slow or fast twitch fibers yield more energy? slow b/c fast is more for sprint energy
3 types of macromolecules used as fuel in cellular respiration 1. Carbohydrates: provide quick energy (sprint)2. Fats provided substantial engery for extended exercise3. Proteins for energy ONLY during starvation periods
Steps of energy transfer from food 1. Sugars broken down in steps starting with glycolysis in cytosol , 2. Pyruvate broken dwon to CO2 in citric acid cycle in mitochondria, 3. energy of C-H bonds transferred to NADPH and PADH24. Enter into e- transport to make ATP
TRUE or FALSE. E- and H+ are removed from high engergy C-H bonds TRUE
Where in mitochondria does e- transport chain and ATP formation occur? folded inner membrane
Without oxygen the NADH cannot be used in mitochondria and will accumulate. If they rxn stopped at pyruvate what would happen? Glycolysis would stop because the cell would run out of NAD+
Why are e- transport and proton transport said to be coupled? Because e- transport is couple with the movement of protons against their concentration gradient.
Why are proton movement and ATP formation in mitochondria daid to be 'coupled'? Because protons moving thru the ATP synthase along their concentration gradient drive ATP formation.
Cells use the energy of energy-rich food molecules to form ATP. Which of the following represents a state of high energy? 1. C-H bonds in food molecules , 2. The H(e- and H+) loaded onto NADH, 3. the proton gradient across the mitochondrial membrane, 4. ATP formed
What would be the result of uncoupling? 1. No proton gradient is produced, 2. No ATP produced, 3. Glycolysis, citric acid cycle, and e- transport continue to run, and all engery is released as heat.
What would be the result of blocking e- transport by cyanide or CO2? No ATP produced and Glycolysis, citric acid cycle, and e- transport continue to run, and NO engery is released as heat.
Which metabolic process is most closely associated with membranes? ATP generation in mitochondria
Cellular respiration harvests MOST chemical energy from ? The mitochondrial part of cellular respiration (Glycolysis, citric acid cycle, and e- transport)
Molecules that can potentially be converted to intermediates of glycolysis and/or citric acid cycle include: 1. Amino acids and proteins, 2. glyceral and fatty acids, 3. Glucose and sucrose, 4. Starch and glycogen
Cells that release energy of energy-rich food molecules. These steps represent a change from one form of energy to another. 1. Use of energy-rich e- to build up a proton gradient, 2. use of proton gradient to drive ATP formation, 3. use of an uncoupling protein for thermogeneis
Would saturated or unsaturated fatty acid be more abundant in membranes of plants, algae, and bacteria in cold environment? Unsaturated
Which type of fatty aid would offer GREATEST benefit for membranes of plants, algae, and bacteia in coldest habitats on earth? Polyunsaturated
Created by: groovychik601
Popular Biology sets




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