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Medical Technology

Set #

Self Actualization Highest level in Maslow. Ability of one to reach fullest potential.
Mood Pervasive & sustained emotion.
Affect Emotional reaction to an experience.
Blunted Affect Decreased emotional response.
Flat Affect Virtual absence of emotional response. Face is immobile & voice is monotone.
Inappropriate Affect Affect/emotions don't match situation.
Labile Rapidly shifting moods or emotions.
Ambivalence Displays opposite emotions at the same time.
Elation Normal joy & optimism.
Euphoria Unusual elation & cheerfulness at inappropriate times & situations.
Fear Normal responses to a danger.
Anxiety Worry about unknown danger.
Irritability Easily provoked, impatient.
Rage Excessive anger with loss of control of emotions.
Depression Illness that cause withdrawal, low energy, loss of interest in activities & other symptoms. May be normal reaction to a loss.
Bipolar Disease Cycles of mania & depression, may have normal periods in-between. Also called maniac-depressive disorder.
Claustrophobia Fear of confined spaces.
Phobia Abnormal fear which may be disabling or keep a person from normal activities.
Schizophrenia Disorder that affect's persons ability to function normally in the real world.
Psychotherapy Method of treating mental illness that involves talking about problems with mental health professionals.
Panic Disorder A person is afraid for no specific reason & has persistent panic attacks, which are about overwhelming fear.
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) Behaviors performed ritually (compulsions) to decrease anxiety from unwanted thoughts (obsession).
Delusion Firm, fixed, false belief that is irrational.
Hallucination Sensory experience for which there is no external stimulants!! May strike any sense.
Illusion Misconception of a real stimulus.
Paranoia Response to stress with false sense of self-importance and delusions of persecution.
Alert Awake and oriented to person/place/time.
Lethargic Drifts off to sleep easily and frequently rouses to name but looks drowsy answers questions correctly but has trouble thinking loses train of thought. Decrease in spontaneous movement.
Obtunded Sleeps most of time difficult to arouse without shouting acts confused when aroused mumbled speech, makes no sense doesn't cooperate unless constantly stimulated.
Stupor or Semi-Coma Mainly unconscious responds only to vigorous shake or pain withdraws from pain when applied groans, mumbles, doesn't talk moves restlessly, still has reflexes.
Coma Completely unconscious. No response to pain. Light coma will have some reflex activity but no purposeful movement. Deep coma will have no motor response.
Development Delays (MENTAL RETARDATION) Significantly below average general intelligence and deficits in adaptive behaviors. Usually identified before pt is 22 years old.
Mental Illness Disruption, disorganization, or disintegration of pt's thought process.
Cognition Ability to think and reason.
Confusion Inability to think clearly. May be sudden or gradual, temporary or permanent.
Delirium Sudden severe confusion that is usually temporary.
Dementia Serious loss of mental abilities such as thinking, reasoning, remembering and communicating.
Down's Syndrome A genetic disorder in which the pt has an extra set of chromosomes.
Autism Pt has extreme difficulty with communication and relation to other people and surroundings. Unknown cause.
Cerebral Palsy Damage to cerebrum at or near the time of birth, which causes problems with motor control.
Spina Bifida Congenital spine, which can cause paralysis.
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Combination of physical & mental problems affecting a child whose mother consumed alcohol during pregnancy.
Alzheimer's Disease Progressive and irreversible change in cognitive functioning.
Confabulation Making up stories to cover for lapses in memory.
Perservation Phenomenon Repeating an action over and over again.
Hoarding Keeping or taking large number of items for no apparent reason.
Rummaging Pt goes through the cabinet, drawer or other container... looking for an object that cannot be found.
Wandering Trying to leave a facility due to confusion.
Sundowning Restlessness, agitation & confusion that occurs when it is dark outside. May be oriented during the day.
Catastrophic Reaction Overreaction to stimulus in environment which would not cause stress to a normal person.
Reality Orientaion Focus is on keeping pt in touch with reality and present.
Validation Therapy Allows pt to live in the past or their imagination. No attempt is made to reorient pt.
Rigor Mortis When the muscles get stiff and rigid after death.
Stages of Grief 1. Denial 2. Anger 3. Bargaining 4. Depression 5. Acceptance
Postmortem Care Preparing the body after death for viewing by the family.
Autopsy Examination of a body to determine cause of death.
Pacing Walking back & forth aimlessly or without purpose.
Elopement When a resident wanders away from a protected area or facility without appropriate supervision.
Created by: dcolestock16
Popular Nursing sets




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