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Unit 2 vocab

chadwicks sign bluish/purplish color of the cervix, vagina, & perineum - d/t increased vascularity
hegars sign softening of the uterus isthmus
goodells sign softening of the cervix
ballottement vaginal exam
colostrium 1st breast milk & is present before baby comes
diastsis rectl abdominis separation of abdominal muscles d/t expanding uterus
ptyalism increase in saliva production
pyrosis stomach pushed up and causing heart burn
cholestasis decreased in gall bladder contractions which leads to bilestasis - gall stones common in pregnancy
chloasma pregnancy mask -forehead, cheek and nose
linea nigra dark line down middle of abdomine
striae stretch mark
couvade syndrome partner gets bigger physically
pica eating of non-food items - clay, dirt, freezer frost - associated w/ iron definency anemia
EDD/EDC estimated due date/estimated date of confinement
nagels rule formula for determining due date; LMP+7days-3months=EDD
MSAFP maternal serum alpha feta protein - usually done for woman >35 yrs old or if something wrong with baby/mom
NST non-stress test - placed on monitor & look at FHR & uterine activity & when baby moves HR increase - takes 20 minutes - either reactive (good) or nonreactive (bad) - if nonreactive further testing
CST contraction stress test
BPP bio-physical profile
BPP variables (5) total 10 points breathing movements, body movements, fetal muscle tone, amount of amniotic fluid, NST - anything greater than 8 is good - anything below - delivery - BPP good for 2 days
hyperemesis severe nausea and vomitting
ectopic pregnancy fertilized egg is implanted anywhere outside placenta - usually fallopian tube
placenta previa abnormal implantation of the placenta in lower portion of uterus
complete previa completely covering cervical os
partial previa partially covering cervical os
gestational hypertension develops for 1st time during pregnancy w/out presense of protein in urine - x2 BP >140/90 - can develop into preeclampsia
preeclampsia elevated BP >140/90 accompanied by protein in urine
severe preeclampsia BP >160/110 & protein = 2+, may have sx r/t edema of body organs & decreased blood flow to tissues, nervous system disturbed
eclampsia seizure activity present
HELLP syndrome hemolysis elevated liver enzymes low platelets
toxoplasmosis-protzoan transmitted through undercooked meat and cat feces 10-24 wks
hepatitis B transmitted sexually via body fluid & blood then transmitted to baby
syphilis sexually transmitted or through broken skin
varicella and herpes zoster respiratory droplet
rubella viral; highest risk first semester - asymptomatic - can cause stillbirth, miscarriage, hearing impairment, congenital anomalies
cytomegalovirus contact w/ infected bodily fluids - highest risk first 20wks - herpers family-droplet, salica, breast milk, semin, urine
herpes simplex virus STD - direct contact; highest risk - contracting disease for 1st time during last trimester - active lesions during delivery
pregestational diabetes diabetes before pregnancy
gestational diabetes develop diabetes during pregnancy - increase risk for type 2 later in life - thought that hormones are responsible
Created by: breinard
Popular Nursing sets




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