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Module 4

Flashcards from the fourth Module

Latin WordEnglish Definition
alveus, alvei (M) Hollowed-out boat
ars, artis (F) Skill...Der: art, artisan
artifex, artificis (M) Craftsman...Der: artifice
census, census (M) Census, Enrollment of names
concordia, concordiae (F) Agreement...Der: concordance
foedus, foederis (N) A league of states, An agreement between individuals...Der: federation
frater, fratris (M) Brother...Der: fraternity, fraternal, fratricide, fraternize
lupa, lupae (F) Wolf
maleficium, malefici (N) A wrongdoing, An evil deed
mater, matris (F) Mother...Der: maternal, maternity, matricide
mors, mortis (F) Death...Der: mortal, immortal, post mortem
omen, ominis (N) Omen, Sign...Der: ominous
ops, opis (F) Wealth, Resources, Power...Der: opulent
opus, operis (N) A work...Der: opera, opus
pater, patris (M) Father, Elder...Der: paternal, paternity
portus, portus (M) Port, Harbor
prodigium, prodigi (N) Portent, Prodigy, Sign...Der: prodigious
soror, sororis (F) Sister...Der: sorority, sororicide
superbia, superbiae (F) Pride, Haughtiness
urbs, urbis (F) City...Der: urban, suburb
condo, condere, condidi, conditum To Build, Found
creo, creare, creavi, creatus To Make, Create, Produce...Der: creation
expello, expellere, expuli, expulsus Expel, Throw out...Der: expulsion
fio, fieri, factus sum To be made, To be done
iacio, iacere, ieci, iactum To throw...Der: eject, project
nutrio, nutrire, nutrivi, nutritus To suckle, Nourish...Der: nutrient, nutricious
ferox, ferocis Courageous, Wild, Unbridled...Der: ferocious
iustus, iusta, iustum Just
moribundus, moribunda, moribundum Dying, Expiring...Der: moribund
nullus, nulla, nullum None, No one...Der: null, nullify
siccus, sicca, siccum Dry
autem However
quam Than(with a comparative adj.)
acies, aciei (F) Battle line
adventus, adventus (M) Arrival...Der: advent
casus, casus (M) Fall, Chance, Accident...Der: case, casualty
cornu, cornus (N) Horn...Der: cornucopia
dies, diei (M and F) Day...Der: diary, diurnal
domus, domus (F) Home...Der: domicile
equitatus, equitatus (M) Cavalry
exercitus, exercitus (M) (trained)Army...Der: exercise
fides, fidei (F) Faith...Der: fidelity, infidel
fluctus, fluctus (M) Wave...Der: fluctuate, fluctuation
fulmen, fulminis (N) Lightning...Der: fulminate
impetus, impetus (M) Attack...Der: impetuous, impetus
manus, manus (F) Hand...Der: manual, manufacture
meridies, meridiei (M) Noon...Der: ante meridiem(a.m.), post meridiem(p.m.)
nox, noctis (F) Night...Der: nocturnal, equinox, nocturne
passus, passus (M) Pace, Step
res, rei (F) Thing, Matter, Affair...Der: real
res publica Republic
senatus, senatus (M) Senate...Der: senatorial, senatorship
species, speciei (F) Appearance
spes, spei (F) Hope
virtus, virtutis (F) Manliness,, Courage...Der: virtue, virtuoso, virtuosity
familiaris, familiare Of the family, Friendly, Friend(as a noun)...Der: familiar, familiarity
confirmo, confirmare, confirmavi, confirmatus Make firm, Encourage, Establish...Der: confirm, comfirmation
pello, pelllere, pepuli, pulsus Drive, Defeat...Der: expulsion, repel, expel, compel. compulsive
respondeo, respondere, respondi, responsus Answer...Der: respondent, response
Created by: TimLatin2
Popular Latin sets




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