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Achalasia: abnormal condition characterized by the inability of a muscle, particularly the cardiac sphincter of the stomach, to relax.
Achlorhydria: the absence of hydrochloric acid in the gastric secretions.
Anastomosis: surgical joining of two ducts or blood vessels to allow flow from one to the other.
Cachexia: general ill health and malnutrition marked by weakness and emanciation, usually associated with a serious disease such as cancer.
Carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA): oncofetal glycoprotein antigen found in colonic adenocarcinoma and other cancers; also found in nonmalignant conditions
Dehiscence: partial or complete separation of the wound edges.
Dysphagia: difficulty swallowing.
Evisceration: state in which the patient's viscera protrude through a disrupted wound.
Exacerbation: an increase in the seriousness of a disease or disorder; marked by greater intensity in the signs or symptoms of the patient being treated.
Hematemesis: vomiting blood.
Intussusception: infolding of one segment of the intestine into the lumen of another segment; occurs in children
Leukoplakia: a white patch in the mouth or on the tongue.
Lumen: space within an artery, vein, intestine, or tube.
Melena: abnormal, black tarry stool containing digested blood.
Occult blood: blood that is hidden or obscured from view.
Pathognomonic: sign or symptom specific to a disease condition
Remission: a decrease in the severity of a disease or any of it's symptoms.
Steatorrhea: excessive fat in the feces
Stoma: combining form meaning a mouth or opening.
Tenesmus: ineffective and painful straining with defecation.
Volvulus: twisting of the bowel on itself, causing intestinal obstruction
Ascites: accumulation of fluid and albumin in the peritoneal cavity.
Asterixis: a hand flapping tremor in which the patient stretches outh an arm and hyperextends the wrist with the fingers separated, relaxed and extended.
Esophageal varices: a complex of longitudal, tortuous veins at the lower end of the esophagus.
Flatulence: Excess formation of gases in the stomach or intestine.
Hepatic Encephalopathy: A type of brain damage causesd by liver diseaese and consequent ammonia intoxiacation
Hepatitis: Inflammation of the liver caused by viruses, bacteria, and non-infectious causes of liver inflammation
Jaundice: Yellow discoloration of the skin, mucous membranes and sclerae of the eyes, caused by greater than normal amounts of bilirubin in the serum.
Occlusion: An oobstruction or closing off.
Paracentesis: A procedure in which fluid is withdrawn from the out.
Parenchyma: Tissue of an organ as distinguished from supporting or connective tissue.
Spider telangiectases: Small, dilated blood vessels with a bright red center point and spiderlike branches.
Steatorrhea: Stools that contain fat.
Peristalsis: The coordinated, rhythmic, serial contraction of smooth muscle that forces food through the digestive tract, bile through the bile duct, and urine through the ureter.
Accessory Organs: aid in the digestive process but are not considered part of the digestive tract. They include: teeth, tongue, salivary glands, liver, gallbladder, and the pancreas.
Papillae: Tiny elevations on the tongue that contain taste buds.
Carbohydrates start to break down in the ___________ Mouth
Protiens start to break down in the ___________ Stomach
Fats start to break down in the ____________ Duodenum
Mastication: To crush or grind food
Created by: BLUST
Popular Nursing sets




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