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Unit 1

Def of pediatrics medical science r/t the dx & tx of childhood illness - different physically, mentally & emotionally
Exceptions to parent authority of child (3) care giver incapicitated, suspected child abuse/neglect, parents choice does not permit life saving procedure for child
ericksons stages (5) infancy - trust vs mistrust, 1-3yrs - autonomy vs shame & doubt, 3-6yrs - intiative vs guilt, 6-12 industry vs inferiority, 12-18 identity vs role confusion
3 categories of fear for parents fear of improper care, fear of child suffering, fear of unknown
psychosocial health of child affected (7) genetics, physical health, family, culture, where people live, economic status, self concept
autism def complex development disability - result of a neurological disorder that affects normal fx of brain - all children are tested for autism
characteristic of autism (4) impair &/or difficult social interaction including parents, difficult w/ verbal & nonverbal communication, restricted & repetitive behavior, stereotyped interests/activities
Causes of autism(6) not caused by thimerosal in vaccines or MMR vaccines, bio-chemical problem involving neurotransmitters, d/t abnormalities in CNS & brain metabolism, possibly in prenatal stage, possibly in paternal stage under 25 & 50 yrs old, linked to other diseases
s/sx of autism in infants (4) before age 3, shows little or no response to human interaction, avoid eye contact, difficulty feeding and sleeping, shows lack of response to sounds
s/sx of autism in older (5) no babbling or responding to name by 12 months, not speaking by 16 months, toddler may suddenly by unable to communicate verbally, may exhibit echoalia (repeating same words over and over), possible self-destructive acts & repeatative behavior
Aspergers syndrome may have some sx but have obsessive interest in single subject, have high level of vocab & formal speech patterns, aka high functioning autism
dx of aspergers syndrome - 3 categories of characteristics inability to r/t other, inability to communicate, obvisouly limited activities & interests
treatment of aspergers syndrome (5) behavior modification/highly structured environment, increasing social awareness, teach verbal communication skills, decreased unacceptable behavior, meds - SSRI's, antipsychotic, ritalin
factors contributing to abuse (4) lack of knowledge about normal G&D, hx of abuse in family, use of alcohol & drugs, stressful situations
failure to thrive (FTT) organic vs non-organic organic - r/t organs such as heart disease; non-organic abusive, no warming caring environment
FTT s/sx (5) < 3%-5% of growth ht&wt - lowest, very little subQ fat, reduce muscle mass, appear lifeless/listless, changes in skin & hair texture, delayed G&D, mental skills
Created by: breinard
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