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OAT Orgo

Chapter 9/10 - Carboxylic Acids/COOH Derivatives

carboxylic acids compounds that have hydroxyl groups attached to carbonyl groups COOH
IUPAC system add -oic acid to akyl root
COOH properties polar so H bonding, electron withdrawing, high bp, acidic cuz of resonance and electron withdrawing groups, acidic alpha Hydrogens
Oxidation to get COOH must be primary alcohol or aldehyde and use KMnO4
Grignard Reagents Mg + ether or something organic
Carbonation grignard reagent and CO2 and acid and water turn tertiary alkyl halides into COOH
Soap Formation RCOOH + NaOH = salts/soaps that have polar head and nonpolar tail and water.
Micelle spherical structure of soap molecules with polar sides faced out towards water and nonpolar sides faced inward
Nucleophilic Substitution Nu attacks Carbon and electrons from double bond go to O, OH gets protonated to create good leaving group, water is displaced by Nu
Reduction of COOH use LAH; to aldehyde or primary alcohol
Ester Formation COOH gets protonated and then attacked by alcohol, under acidic conditions so OH to water and then deprotonate COOH
Acyl Halide Formation COOH + SOCl2 = COCl; very reactive
Decarboxylation CO2 is lost; keto carboxylic acids go thru this; it attacks itself; forms keto and enol
-oyl C double bond O halides
Anhydrides without water so 2 carboxylic acids put together (condensing/losing water)
Amides RCONR2
Hoffman Rearrangement amides to primary amines, loss of carbon
Esters COOR
Saponification making soap with NaOH from fats
tranesterification transforms one ester into another
Esters treated with Grignard Reagent makes a tertiary OH with ketone intermediate
Claisen Condensation makes keto-ester
Reduction of esters makes primary OH's
Created by: JaeBae4444
Popular Science sets




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