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Final Exam Review II
Chapter 2 Vocabulary
Term | Definition |
Bay | part of a large body of water that extends into the shorelines |
Channel | wide strait or waterway between two landmasses that lie close to each other |
Elevation | height above sea level |
Landform | individual features of the land |
Gulf | part of a large body of water that enstends inland; larger than a bay |
Harbor | a sheltered place along a shoreline where ships can anchor safeley |
Island | land completely surrounded by water |
Lake | a sizeable inland body of water |
Mountain | land with steep that rises sharply(1,000ft or more) from surrounding land |
Mountain Range | a series of connected mountains |
Penisula | a body of land jutting out into a lake or an ocean surrounded on three sides by water |
Plain | area of low land at low elevation; covered with grass |
Plateau | flat or rolling land at high elevation usually 300-3,000ft high |
Physical Feature | characteristics of a placep-naturally ocurring like landforms, climate,resources |
River | large natural stream of water that runs through land |
Sea | large body of water partically or completely surrounded by land. |
Strait | narrow stretch of water joining two larger bodies of water |
Ocean | one of the four major bodies of salt water that surround the continents |
Volcano | mountain created as liquid rock and ash erupt from inside the earth |
Valley | area of lowland between hills and mountains |